Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting v11

This section describes configuration parameters affecting locale and formatting.


Parameter Type: String

Default Value: none

Range: n/a

Minimum Scope of Effect: Database

When Value Changes Take Effect: n/a

Required Authorization to Activate: n/a

The configuration parameter icu_short_form is a parameter containing the default ICU short form name assigned to a database or to the Advanced Server instance. See Unicode Collation Algorithm for general information about the ICU short form and the Unicode Collation Algorithm.

This configuration parameter is set either when the CREATE DATABASE command is used with the ICU_SHORT_FORM parameter in which case the specified short form name is set and appears in the icu_short_form configuration parameter when connected to this database, or when an Advanced Server instance is created with the initdb command used with the --icu_short_form option in which case the specified short form name is set and appears in the icu_short_form configuration parameter when connected to a database in that Advanced Server instance, and the database does not override it with its own ICU_SHORT_FORM parameter with a different short form.

Once established in the manner described, the icu_short_form configuration parameter cannot be changed.