Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults v11

The parameters in this section set other miscellaneous client connection defaults.


Parameter Type: String

Default Value: none

Range: n/a

Minimum Scope of Effect: Cluster

When Value Changes Take Effect: Restart

Required Authorization to Activate: EPAS service account

Before creating a link to an Oracle server, you must direct Advanced Server to the correct Oracle home directory. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable on Linux (or PATH on Windows) to the lib directory of the Oracle client installation directory.

Alternatively, you can also set the value of the oracle_home configuration parameter in the postgresql.conf file. The value specified in the oracle_home configuration parameter will override the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in Linux and PATH environment variable in Windows.


The oracle_home configuration parameter should provide the correct path to the Oracle client i.e. OCI library.

To set the oracle_home configuration parameter in the postgresql.conf file, edit the file, adding the following line:

oracle_home = 'lib_directory'

Substitute the name of the oracle_home path to the Oracle client installation directory that contains in Linux and oci.dll in Windows for lib_directory.

After setting the oracle_home configuration parameter, you must restart the server for the changes to take effect. Restart the server,

  • on Linux, using the systemctl command or pg_ctl services.

  • on Windows, from the Windows Services console.


Parameter Type: String

Default Value: none

Range: n/a

Minimum Scope of Effect: Cluster

When Value Changes Take Effect: Restart

Required Authorization to Activate: EPAS service account

If you will be using an ODBC driver manager, and if it is installed in a non-standard location, you specify the location by setting the odbc_lib_path configuration parameter in the postgresql.conf file:

odbc_lib_path = ''

The configuration file must include the complete pathname to the driver manager shared library (typically