edb_redwood_date v11

When DATE appears as the data type of a column in the commands, it is translated to TIMESTAMP at the time the table definition is stored in the data base if the configuration parameter edb_redwood_date is set to TRUE. Thus, a time component will also be stored in the column along with the date. This is consistent with Oracle’s DATE data type.

If edb_redwood_date is set to FALSE the column’s data type in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE command remains as a native PostgreSQL DATE data type and is stored as such in the database. The PostgreSQL DATE data type stores only the date without a time component in the column.

Regardless of the setting of edb_redwood_date, when DATE appears as a data type in any other context such as the data type of a variable in an SPL declaration section, or the data type of a formal parameter in an SPL procedure or SPL function, or the return type of an SPL function, it is always internally translated to a TIMESTAMP and thus, can handle a time component if present.

See the Database Compatibility for Oracle Developers Reference Guide for more information about date/time data types.