NLS_UPPER function v17
returns <outputstring> TEXT
, with all letters in uppercase.
NLS_UPPER(<inputstring> TEXT [, <'nlsparam'> TEXT])
is of the TEXT data type.
is of the TEXT data type. You can provide nlsparam
in the format 'NLS_SORT=value'
. For example 'NLS_SORT=xdanish'
where xdanish
is treated as the NLS parameter in the NLS config file and according to which the linguistic requirements for case conversion is handled.
The <outputstring>
is of the TEXT data type. The return string is in the same character set as the inputstring
This example shows NLS_UPPER function with default mapping of NLS parameter.
SELECT NLS_UPPER('Gloße', 'NLS_SORT = xdanish');
nls_upper ----------- GLOßE (1 row)
This example shows how to add a new mapping of NLS parameter and a collation value in the NLS config file using edb_nls_cf_insert
SELECT edb_nls_cf_insert('xdanish', '"pg_catalog"."da-x-icu"');
edb_nls_cf_insert ------------------- (1 row)
This example shows NLS_UPPER function after adding a new mapping to the NLS config file.
SELECT NLS_UPPER('Gloße', 'NLS_SORT = xdanish');
nls_upper ----------- GLOSSE (1 row)
This example shows NLS_UPPER function for a simple input string.
SELECT NLS_UPPER('abcDef', 'NLS_SORT = XGERMAN'); nls_upper ----------- ABCDEF (1 row)
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