Snapshot replication options v7


These options apply only to the publication server unless otherwise specified.

The server configuration options apply to snapshot replications.


When JDBC COPY is used in snapshot replication, the data delimiter between column values is an escaped tab character (t). Set this option to false if you don't want to escape the tab delimiter character.

escapeTabDelimiter={true | false}

The default value is true.


When JDBC COPY is used in snapshot replication, the data delimiter between column values is an escaped tab character (t). Set this option to change the data delimiter character.


c denotes the single replacement character for the data delimiter.

The default value is \t.


The enableConstBeforeDataLoad option controls whether table constraints, including triggers, are reenabled before loading data into target tables. The default process is that the tables are loaded first, and then the constraints are enabled afterwards.

Activate this option if triggers affect how data is loaded into the target tables.

If target tables are created as sets of Postgres-inherited tables resulting from partitioned Oracle source tables, then you must enable this option.

enableConstBeforeDataLoad={true | false}

The default value is false.