Skipping grants of table-level user privileges on MMR target tables v7


This option applies only to the publication server.

When creating non-MDN nodes in a multi-master replication system, the publication server creates the publication tables and their corresponding shadow tables in the non-MDN node database.

When skipTablePrivileges is set to false, which is the default value, the database user privileges on the publication tables in the primary definition node are granted to the same database users on the publication tables in the newly created non-MDN node.

The required privileges are also granted to these database users on the corresponding shadow tables in the non-MDN node so these database users can perform updates on the publication tables. The changes are recorded in the corresponding shadow tables. This enables proper synchronization replication of any such changes.

This granting of privileges occurs only for database users with privileges on the primary definition node publication tables at the time the non-MDN node is defined using the Replication Server console or CLI. If you don't want the publication server to grant these database user privileges to the non-MDN publication tables and shadow tables when defining the non-MDN node, set skipTablePrivileges to true. In this case, you must explicitly grant the privileges on the publication tables and corresponding shadow tables in the non-MDN node for any database user that you want to provide update access to on these tables. See Step 2 of Postgres publication database for information about the required privileges.

This usage is typically for the case when database users who access the non-MDN node publication tables are different from the database users who access the primary definition node publication tables.

skipTablePrivileges={true | false}

The default value is false.