Invoking pg_upgrade v13

When invoking pg_upgrade, you must specify the location of the old and new cluster's PGDATA and executable (/bin) directories, as well as the name of the Advanced Server superuser, and the ports on which the installations are listening. A typical call to invoke pg_upgrade to migrate from Advanced Server 12 to Advanced Server 13 takes the form:

--old-datadir <path_to_12_data_directory>
--new-datadir <path_to_13_data_directory>
--user <superuser_name>
--old-bindir <path_to_12_bin_directory>
--new-bindir <path_to_13_bin_directory>
--old-port <12_port> --new-port <13_port>


--old-datadir path_to_12_data_directory

Use the --old-datadir option to specify the complete path to the data directory within the Advanced Server 12 installation.

--new-datadir path_to_13_data_directory

Use the --new-datadir option to specify the complete path to the data directory within the Advanced Server 13 installation.

--username superuser_name

Include the --username option to specify the name of the Advanced Server superuser. The superuser name should be the same in both versions of Advanced Server. By default, when Advanced Server is installed in Oracle mode, the superuser is named enterprisedb. If installed in PostgreSQL mode, the superuser is named postgres.

If the Advanced Server superuser name is not the same in both clusters, the clusters will not pass the pg_upgrade consistency check.

--old-bindir path_to_12_bin_directory

Use the --old-bindir option to specify the complete path to the bin directory in the Advanced Server 12 installation.

--new-bindir path_to_13_bin_directory

Use the --new-bindir option to specify the complete path to the bin directory in the Advanced Server 13 installation.

--old-port 12_port

Include the --old-port option to specify the port on which Advanced Server 12 listens for connections.

--new-port 13_port

Include the --new-port option to specify the port on which Advanced Server 13 listens for connections.
