Using Calendar Syntax to Specify a Repeating Interval v12

The CREATE_JOB and CREATE_SCHEDULE procedures use Oracle-styled calendar syntax to define the interval with which a job or schedule is repeated. You should provide the scheduling information in the repeat_interval parameter of each procedure.

repeat_interval is a value (or series of values) that define the interval between the executions of the scheduled job. Each value is composed of a token, followed by an equal sign, followed by the unit (or units) on which the schedule will execute. Multiple token values must be separated by a semi-colon (;).

For example, the following value:


Defines a schedule that is executed each weeknight at 5:45.

The token types and syntax described in the table below are supported by Advanced Server:

Token typeSyntaxValid Values
FREQFREQ=predefined_intervalWhere predefined_interval is one of the following: YEARLY, MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, HOURLY, MINUTELY. The SECONDLY keyword is not supported.
BYMONTHBYMONTH=month(, month)...Where month is the three-letter abbreviation of the month name: JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC
BYMONTHBYMONTH=month (, month)...Where month is the numeric value representing the month: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
BYMONTHDAYBYMONTHDAY=day_of_monthWhere day_of_month is a value from 1 through 31
BYDAYBYDAY=weekdayWhere weekday is a three-letter abbreviation or single-digit value representing the day of the week.
Monday | MON | 1 |
Tuesday | TUE | 2 |
Wednesday | WED | 3 |
Thursday | THU | 4 |
Friday | FRI | 5 |
Saturday | SAT | 6 |
Sunday | SUN | 7 |
BYDATEBYDATE=date(, date)...Where date is YYYYMMDD.

YYYY is a four-digit year representation of the year,
MM is a two-digit representation of the month,
and DD is a two-digit day representation of the day.
BYDATEBYDATE=date(, date)...Where date is MMDD.

MM is a two-digit representation of the month,
and DD is a two-digit day representation of the day
BYHOURBYHOUR=hourWhere hour is a value from 0 through 23.
BYMINUTEBYMINUTE=minuteWhere minute is a value from 0 through 59.