EDB Audit Logging v12

Advanced Server allows database and security administrators, auditors, and operators to track and analyze database activities using the EDB Audit Logging functionality. EDB Audit Logging generates audit log files, which contains all of the relevant information. The audit logs can be configured to record information such as:

  • When a role establishes a connection to an Advanced Server database
  • What database objects a role creates, modifies, or deletes when connected to Advanced Server
  • When any failed authentication attempts occur

The parameters specified in the configuration files, postgresql.conf or postgresql.auto.conf, control the information included in the audit logs.

audit_logging_configuration_parameters selecting_sql_statements_to_audit enabling_audit_logging audit_log_file using_error_codes_to_filter_audit_logs using_command_tags_to_filter_audit_logs redacting_passwords_from_audit_logs