Reporting and Logging / What to Log v13

The configuration parameters in this section control reporting and logging.


Parameter Type: Boolean

Default Value: false

Range: {true | false}

Minimum Scope of Effect: Per session

When Value Changes Take Effect: Immediate

Required Authorization to Activate: Session user

Use with the optimizer hints feature to provide more detailed information regarding whether or not a hint was used by the planner. Set the client_min_messages and trace_hints configuration parameters as follows:

SET client_min_messages TO info;
SET trace_hints TO true;

The SELECT command with the NO_INDEX hint shown below illustrates the additional information produced when the aforementioned configuration parameters are set.

EXPLAIN SELECT /*+ NO_INDEX(accounts accounts_pkey) */ * FROM accounts
WHERE aid = 100;

INFO: [HINTS] Index Scan of [accounts].[accounts_pkey] rejected because
of NO_INDEX hint.

INFO: [HINTS] Bitmap Heap Scan of [accounts].[accounts_pkey] rejected
because of NO_INDEX hint.

                          QUERY PLAN


Seq Scan on accounts (cost=0.00..14461.10 rows=1 width=97)
  Filter: (aid = 100)
(2 rows)


Parameter Type: Boolean

Default Value: false

Range: {true | false}

Minimum Scope of Effect: Per session

When Value Changes Take Effect: Immediate

Required Authorization to Activate: Superuser

Bulk processing logs the resulting statements into both the Advanced Server log file and the EDB Audit log file. However, logging each and every statement in bulk processing is costly. This can be controlled by the edb_log_every_bulk_value configuration parameter. When set to true, each and every statement in bulk processing is logged. During bulk execution, when edb_log_every_bulk_value is set to false, a log message is recorded once per bulk processing along with the number of rows processed. In addition, the duration is emitted once per bulk processing. Default is set to false.