News and Roadmap from Postgres-XL 10

July 05, 2017

We expect Postgres-XL 10 to be released in the next few months, with the new features of partitioning and logical replication. You’ll be able to load Postgres-XL directly from PostgreSQL.

For the first time, you’ll be able to run massively parallel queries both across the datanodes and within the datanodes to give huge performance gains.

Earlier today, we updated the master branch of the Postgres-XL repository to include all commits from PostgreSQL’s master branch up to June 26. That means the XL project is now fully to date with the PostgreSQL source code, meaning there is now only minimal lag between PostgreSQL and Postgres-XL.

At this point the code is only in Development/Alpha, though we expect to produce Beta1 soon after PostgreSQL Beta 3 in August.

Support from the Postgres-XL community is critical to achieve these goals in a time bound manner. So we would urge everyone to contribute in whatever way you can to advance Postgres-XL 10. Some of the things that you can contribute are:

  1. Run regression tests, analyse the failure and submit patches to either fix bugs or adjust expected output.
  2. If you’re paying attention to PostgreSQL 9.6 and PostgreSQL 10, check if the new features work in Postgres-XL or not. Submit reports, analysis, patches for things that don’t work. Or simply confirm things that work so that we know what’s not broken. Specially if there is a feature that you’re looking forward to, make sure you start testing now.


Stay tuned for further updates on Postgres-XL. Subscribe to our mailing lists and most important, do contribute to the project to make it better.

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