Oracle's rising open source problem

July 10, 2016

A salesman from Oracle recently spoke to my sales colleague at a conference, teasing him that he should “come make some money”. That was quite surprising, given Oracle’s well documented problems in gaining new sales, most especially what they say in their own public filings. The reply was unsurprisingly: “No, thanks – I’d like a permanent job.”

Oracle’s rising open source problem

Oracle Sales Erode as Startups Embrace Souped-Up Free Software

Of course, its well known that squeezing existing customers is one of the things they’re doing to avoid a catastrophic slump in sales. The only thing I can add from my own experience is the level of pure anger that the current policies are generating with their current customers. More than that, avoiding database vendor lock-in for their next purchase is the number #1 requirement, so the 2ndQuadrant story around PostgreSQL sits well with soon-to-be ex-Oracle customers.

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