Configuring a multi-master schedule (confschedulemmr) v7

For MMR only: The confschedulemmr command creates a schedule for when to start recurring replications for a multi-master replication system.


Be sure an initial snapshot replication was performed from the primary definition node to every other primary node in the multi-master replication system. If a newly added primary node didn't undergo an initial snapshot, any subsequent synchronization replication started by a schedule might not apply the transactions to that primary node. You can take the initial snapshot when you first add the primary node (see Creating more primary nodes or Adding a publication database) or by performing an on-demand snapshot (see Performing snapshot replication or Take a multi-master snapshot).


-confschedulemmr pubdbid -pubname pubname
  –repsvrfile pubsvrfile
{ -remove |
  { -realtime no_of_sec |
    -daily hour minute |
    -weekly day_of_week hour minute |
    -monthly month day_of_month hour minute |
    -cronexpr "cron_expression"

Specifying the remove paramter deletes the schedule from the publication. In this case, you can specify only the pubdbid, pubname, and repsvrfile parameters.

If you omit the remove parameter, then you must specify one of the parameters realtime, daily, weekly, monthly, or cronexpr. You must also specify the pubdbid, pubname, and repsvrfile parameters. Any existing schedule for publication pubname is replaced by the new schedule.

See Creating a schedule for more information.



The publication database ID of the publication database definition representing the primary definition node on which to configure the schedule.


The name of the publication for which you want to create a replication schedule.


The file containing the publication server login information.


Specifying the remove parameter removes any existing schedule from the publication. If you don't include the remove parameter, then a schedule is created for the publication.


The number of seconds between scheduled replications. Specify an integer greater than 0.


The hour of the day based on a 24-hour clock. Specify an integer from 0 to 23.


The minute of the hour. Specify an integer from 0 to 59.


The day of the week. Specify one of the following values: SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, or SAT. This value is not case sensitive.


The month of the year. Specify one of the following values: JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, or DEC. This value is not case sensitive.


The day of the month. Specify an integer 1 or greater up to and including the number of days in month.


A cron expression. See Writing a cron expression for details.


This example creates a schedule to perform synchronization replication on publication emp_pub subordinate to the primary definition node whose publication database ID is 6. Replication occurs daily at 8:00 a.m.

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -confschedulemmr 6 -pubname emp_pub \
>   -repsvrfile ~/pubsvrfile.prop \
>   -daily 8 00
Configuring scheduler ...
Job is successfully scheduled.

This example removes the schedule from publication emp_pub.

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -confschedulemmr 6 -pubname emp_pub \
>   -repsvrfile ~/pubsvrfile.prop \
>   -remove
Configuring scheduler ...
Scheduled job is removed.