tpaexec deploy v23

Deployment is the process of installing and configuring Postgres and other software on the cluster's servers. This includes setting up replication, backups, and so on.

At the end of the deployment stage, Postgres will be up and running along with other components like repmgr, Barman, pgbouncer, etc. (depending on the architecture selected).


Before you can run tpaexec deploy, you must have already run tpaexec configure to generate the cluster configuration and then provisioned the servers with tpaexec provision.

Before deployment, you must export EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN=xxx if you are using any EDB repositories. If you forget to do this, an error message will soon remind you.


[tpa]$ tpaexec deploy ~/clusters/speedy -v
Using /opt/EDB/TPA/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file

PLAY [Basic initialisation and fact discovery] ***************************************

PLAY [Set up TPA cluster nodes] ******************************************************

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************
zealot                     : ok=281  changed=116  unreachable=0    failed=0   
keeper                     : ok=284  changed=96   unreachable=0    failed=0   
quaver                     : ok=260  changed=89   unreachable=0    failed=0   
quavery                    : ok=260  changed=88   unreachable=0    failed=0   
quirk                      : ok=262  changed=100  unreachable=0    failed=0   

real    7m1.907s
user    3m2.492s
sys     1m5.318s

This command produces a great deal of output and may take a long time (depending primarily on the latency between the host running tpaexec and the hosts in the cluster, as well as how long it takes the instances to download the packages they need to install). We recommend that you use at least one -v during deployment. The output is also logged to ansible.log in the cluster directory.

The exact number of hosts, tasks, and changed tasks may of course vary.

The deploy command takes no options itself—any options you provide after the cluster name are passed on unmodified to Ansible (e.g., -v).

Those who are familiar with Ansible may be concerned by the occasional red "failed" task output scrolling by. Rest assured that if the process does not stop soon afterwards, the error is of no consequence, and the code will recover from it automatically.

When the deployment is complete, you can run tpaexec test to verify the installation.

Selective deployment

You can limit the deployment to a subset of your hosts by setting deploy_hosts to a comma-separated list of instance names:

[tpa]$ tpaexec deploy ~/clusters/speedy -v -e deploy_hosts=keeper,quaver

This will run the deployment on the given instances, though it will also initially execute some tasks on other hosts to collect information about the state of the cluster.

(Setting deploy_hosts is the recommended alternative to using Ansible's --limit option, which TPA does not support.)


The deployment process is architecture-specific. Here's an overview of the various configuration settings that affect the deployment. If you are familiar with Ansible playbooks, you can follow along as tpaexec applies various roles to the cluster's instances.

Unlike config.yml, deploy.yml is not designed to be edited (and is usually a link into the architectures directory). Even if you want to extend the deployment process to run your own Ansible tasks, you should do so by creating hooks. This protects you from future implementation changes within a particular architecture.