Performing a Minor Version Update of an RPM Installation v12

If you used an RPM package to install Advanced Server or its supporting components, you can use yum to perform a minor version upgrade to a more recent version. To review a list of the package updates that are available for your system, open a command line, assume root privileges, and enter the command:

yum check-update <package_name>

Where package_name is the search term for which you wish to search for updates. Please note that you can include wild-card values in the search term. To use yum update to install an updated package, use the command:

yum update <package_name>

Where package_name is the name of the package you wish to update. Include wild-card values in the update command to update multiple related packages with a single command. For example, use the following command to update all packages whose names include the expression edb:

yum update edb*

The yum update command will only perform an update between minor releases; to update between major releases, you must use pg_upgrade.

For more information about using yum commands and options, enter yum --help on your command line, or visit: