SPL Programs v13

SPL is a procedural, block-structured language. There are four different types of programs that can be created using SPL, namely procedures, functions, triggers, and packages.

In addition, SPL is used to create subprograms. A subprogram refers to a subprocedure or a subfunction, which are nearly identical in appearance to procedures and functions, but differ in that procedures and functions are standalone programs, which are individually stored in the database and can be invoked by other SPL programs or from PSQL. Subprograms can only be invoked from within the standalone program within which they have been created.

basic_spl_elements spl_block_structure anonymous_blocks procedures_overview functions_overview procedure_and_function_parameters subprograms_subprocedures_and_subfunctions compilation_errors_in_procedures_and_functions program_security