The DBA_USERS view provides information about all users of the database.

usernameTEXTUser name of the user.
user_idOIDID number of the user.
passwordCHARACTER VARYING(30)The password (encrypted) of the user.
account_statusCHARACTER VARYING(32)The current status of the account. Possible values are: OPEN, EXPIRED, EXPIRED(GRACE), EXPIRED & LOCKED, EXPIRED & LOCKED(TIMED), EXPIRED(GRACE) & LOCKED, EXPIRED(GRACE) & LOCKED(TIMED), LOCKED, LOCKED(TIMED). Use the edb_get_role_status(role_id) function to get the current status of the account.
lock_dateTIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONEIf the account status is LOCKED, lock_date displays the date and time the account was locked.
expiry_dateTIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONEThe expiration date of the password. Use the edb_get_password_expiry_date(role_id) function to get the current password expiration date.
default_tablespaceTEXTThe default tablespace associated with the account.
temporary_tablespaceCHARACTER VARYING(30)Included for compatibility only. The value will always be '' (an empty string).
createdTIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONEIncluded for compatibility only. The value is always NULL.
profileCHARACTER VARYING(30)The profile associated with the user.
initial_rsrc_consumer_groupCHARACTER VARYING(30)Included for compatibility only. The value is always NULL.
external_nameCHARACTER VARYING(4000)Included for compatibility only. The value is always NULL.