Using Error Codes to Filter Audit Logs v12

Advanced Server includes an extension that you can use to exclude log file entries that include a user-specified error code from the Advanced Server log files. To filter audit log entries, you must first enable the extension by modifying the postgresql.conf file, adding the following value to the values specified in the shared_preload_libraries parameter:


Then, use the edb_filter_log.errcodes parameter to specify any error codes you wish to omit from the log files:

edb_filter_log.errcode = 'error_code'

Where error_code specifies one or more error codes that you wish to omit from the log file. Provide multiple error codes in a comma-delimited list.

For example, if edb_filter_log is enabled, and edb_filter_log.errcode is set to '23505,23502,22012', any log entries that return one of the following SQLSTATE errors:

23505 (for violating a unique constraint)

23502 (for violating a not-null constraint)

22012 (for dividing by zero)

will be omitted from the log file.

For a complete list of the error codes supported by Advanced Server audit log filtering, see the core documentation at: