The USER_COL_PRIVS view provides a listing of the object privileges granted on a column for which a current user is either an object owner, grantor, or grantee.

granteeCHARACTER VARYING(128)Name of the user with the privilege.
ownerCHARACTER VARYING(128)Object owner.
schema_nameCHARACTER VARYING(128)Name of the schema in which the object resides.
table_nameCHARACTER VARYING(128)Object name.
column_nameCHARACTER VARYING(128)Column name.
grantorCHARACTER VARYING(128)Name of the user who granted the privilege.
privilegeCHARACTER VARYING(40)Privilege on the column.
grantableCHARACTER VARYING(3)Indicates whether the privilege was granted with the grant option YES or NO. YES indicates that the GRANTEE (recipient of the privilege) can grant the privilege to others. The value can be YES if the grantee has the administrator privileges.
commonCHARACTER VARYING(3)Included only for compatibility. Always NO.
inheritedCHARACTER VARYING(3)Included only for compatibility. Always NO.