show-raft v4

Shows BDR Raft (consensus protocol) details.


Shows BDR Raft (consensus protocol) details such as Raft state (leader, follower), Raft election id, and number of voting nodes.

Note: In some cases such as network partition, output may vary based on the node to which the CLI is connected.

pgd show-raft [flags]


  Example 1 (3 node cluster, bdr-a1 and bdr-c1 are up, bdr-b1 is down)

  $ pgd show-raft

  Node   Raft State    Raft Term Commit Index Nodes Voting Nodes Protocol Version
  ----   ----------    --------- ------------ ----- ------------ ----------------
  bdr-c1 RAFT_FOLLOWER 29        6081272      3     3            4002
  bdr-a1 RAFT_LEADER   29        6081272      3     3            4002

  Example 2 (3 node cluster, all nodes are up)

  $ pgd show-raft

  Node   Raft State    Raft Term Commit Index Nodes Voting Nodes Protocol Version
  ----   ----------    --------- ------------ ----- ------------ ----------------
  bdr-c1 RAFT_FOLLOWER 38        6132327      3     3            4002
  bdr-a1 RAFT_LEADER   38        6132331      3     3            4002
  bdr-b1 RAFT_FOLLOWER 38        6132336      3     3            4002

  Example 3 (3 node cluster, all nodes are up but bdr-a1 is not able to connect
  to other nodes; following is the output when cli is connected to bdr-a1)

  $ pgd show-raft

  Node   Raft State    Raft Term Commit Index Nodes Voting Nodes Protocol Version
  ----   ----------    --------- ------------ ----- ------------ ----------------
  bdr-a1 RAFT_FOLLOWER 40        6176769      3     3            4002

  Example 4 (cluster with witness, logical standby and subscriber-only nodes)
  Note: Unlike full-bdr (or witness node), logical standby and subscriber-only
  nodes don't have raft voting rights.

  $ pgd show-raft

  Node               Raft State    Raft Term Commit Index Nodes Voting Nodes Protocol Version
  ----               ----------    --------- ------------ ----- ------------ ----------------
  bdr-a1             RAFT_LEADER   0         10268        6     3            4003
  bdr-b1             RAFT_FOLLOWER 0         10279        6     3            4003
  witness-c1         RAFT_FOLLOWER 0         10281        6     3            4003
  logical-standby-a1 RAFT_FOLLOWER 0         10281        6     3            4003
  logical-standby-b1 RAFT_FOLLOWER 0         10281        6     3            4003
  subscriber-only-c1 RAFT_FOLLOWER 0         10281        6     3            4003


  -h, --help   help for show-raft

Options inherited from parent commands

  -f, --config-file string   config file; ignored if 
                             --dsn flag is present (default "/etc/edb/pgd-config.yml")
      --dsn string           database connection string
                             e.g."host=bdr-a1 port=5432 dbname=bdrdb user=postgres "
  -L, --log-level string     logging level: debug, info, warn, error (default "error")
  -o, --output string        output format: json, yaml