Types of Conflict v5


The most common conflicts are row conflicts, where two operations affect a row with the same key in ways they can't on a single node. PGD can detect most of those and applies the update_if_newer conflict resolver.

Row conflicts include:

  • INSERT versus INSERT
  • UPDATE versus UPDATE
  • UPDATE versus DELETE
  • INSERT versus UPDATE
  • INSERT versus DELETE
  • DELETE versus DELETE

The view bdr.node_conflict_resolvers provides information on how conflict resolution is currently configured for all known conflict types.


The most common conflict, INSERT/INSERT, arises where INSERT operations on two different nodes create a tuple with the same PRIMARY KEY values (or if no PRIMARY KEY exists, the same values for a single UNIQUE constraint).

PGD handles this situation by retaining the most recently inserted tuple of the two according to the originating node's timestamps. (A user-defined conflict handler can override this behavior.)

This conflict generates the insert_exists conflict type, which is by default resolved by choosing the newer row, based on commit time, and keeping only that one (update_if_newer resolver). You can configure other resolvers. See Conflict resolution for details.

To resolve this conflict type, you can also use column-level conflict resolution and user-defined conflict triggers.

You can effectively eliminate this type of conflict by using global sequences.

INSERT operations that violate UNIQUE or EXCLUDE constraints

An INSERT/INSERT conflict can violate more than one UNIQUE constraint, one of which might be the PRIMARY KEY. With the addition of EXCLUDE constraint support in PGD 5.6, an INSERT/INSERT conflict can also violate one or more EXCLUDE constraints.

In either of the following cases, applying the replication change produces a multiple_unique_conflicts conflict. Both of these cases result in a conflict against more than one other row.

  • If a new row violates more than one UNIQUE constraint and that results in a conflict against more than one other row.

  • If a new row violates more than one EXCLUDE constraint or a single EXCLUDE constraint.

In case of such a conflict, for replication to continue, you must remove some rows. Depending on the resolver setting for multiple_unique_conflicts, the apply process either exits with an error, skips the incoming row, or deletes some of the rows. The deletion tries to preserve the row with the correct PRIMARY KEY and delete the others.


In case of multiple rows conflicting this way, if the result of conflict resolution is to proceed with the insert operation, some of the data is always deleted.

You can also define a different behavior using a conflict trigger.


Where two concurrent UPDATE operations on different nodes change the same tuple but not its PRIMARY KEY, an UPDATE/UPDATE conflict can occur on replay.

These can generate different conflict kinds based on the configuration and situation. If the table is configured with row version conflict detection, then the original (key) row is compared with the local row. If they're different, the update_differing conflict is generated. When using origin conflict detection, the origin of the row is checked. (The origin is the node that the current local row came from.) If that changed, the update_origin_change conflict is generated. In all other cases, the UPDATE is normally applied without generating a conflict.

Both of these conflicts are resolved the same way as insert_exists, described in INSERT/INSERT conflicts.

UPDATE conflicts on the PRIMARY KEY

PGD can't currently perform conflict resolution where the PRIMARY KEY is changed by an UPDATE operation. You can update the primary key, but you must ensure that no conflict with existing values is possible.

Conflicts on the update of the primary key are divergent conflicts and require manual intervention.

Updating a primary key is possible in Postgres, but there are issues in both Postgres and PGD.

A simple schema provides an example that explains:

CREATE TABLE pktest (pk integer primary key, val integer);
INSERT INTO pktest VALUES (1,1);

Updating the Primary Key column is possible, so this SQL succeeds:

UPDATE pktest SET pk=2 WHERE pk=1;

However, suppose the table has multiple rows:

INSERT INTO pktest VALUES (3,3);

Some UPDATE operations succeed:

UPDATE pktest SET pk=4 WHERE pk=3;

SELECT * FROM pktest;
 pk | val
  2 |   1
  4 |   3
(2 rows)

Other UPDATE operations fail with constraint errors:

UPDATE pktest SET pk=4 WHERE pk=2;
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pktest_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (pk)=(4) already exists

So for Postgres applications that update primary keys, be careful to avoid runtime errors, even without PGD.

With PGD, the situation becomes more complex if UPDATE operations are allowed from multiple locations at same time.

Executing these two changes concurrently works:

node1: UPDATE pktest SET pk=pk+1 WHERE pk = 2;
node2: UPDATE pktest SET pk=pk+1 WHERE pk = 4;

SELECT * FROM pktest;
 pk | val
  3 |   1
  5 |   3
(2 rows)

Executing these next two changes concurrently causes a divergent error, since both changes are accepted. But applying the changes on the other node results in update_missing conflicts.

node1: UPDATE pktest SET pk=1 WHERE pk = 3;
node2: UPDATE pktest SET pk=2 WHERE pk = 3;

This scenario leaves the data different on each node:

SELECT * FROM pktest;
 pk | val
  1 |   1
  5 |   3
(2 rows)

SELECT * FROM pktest;
 pk | val
  2 |   1
  5 |   3
(2 rows)

You can identify and resolve this situation using LiveCompare.

Concurrent conflicts present problems. Executing these two changes concurrently isn't easy to resolve:

node1: UPDATE pktest SET pk=6, val=8 WHERE pk = 5;
node2: UPDATE pktest SET pk=6, val=9 WHERE pk = 5;

Both changes are applied locally, causing a divergence between the nodes. But the apply on the target fails on both nodes with a duplicate key-value violation error. This error causes the replication to halt and requires manual resolution.

You can avoid this duplicate key violation error, and replication doesn't break, if you set the conflict_type update_pkey_exists to skip, update, or update_if_newer. This approach can still lead to divergence depending on the nature of the update.

You can avoid divergence in cases where the same old key is being updated by the same new key concurrently by setting update_pkey_exists to update_if_newer. However, in certain situations, divergence occurs even with update_if_newer, namely when two different rows both are updated concurrently to the same new primary key.

As a result, we recommend strongly against allowing primary key UPDATE operations in your applications, especially with PGD. If parts of your application change primary keys, then to avoid concurrent changes, make those changes using Eager Replication.


In case the conflict resolution of update_pkey_exists conflict results in update, one of the rows is always deleted.

UPDATE operations that violate UNIQUE or EXCLUDE constraints

Like INSERT operations that violate multiple UNIQUE/EXCLUDE constraints, when an incoming UPDATE violates more than one UNIQUE/EXCLUDE index (including the PRIMARY KEY) or violates a single EXCLUDE index such that more than one row is in conflict, PGD raises a multiple_unique_conflicts conflict.

PGD supports deferred unique constraints. If a transaction can commit on the source, then it applies cleanly on target, unless it sees conflicts. However, you can't use a deferred primary key as a REPLICA IDENTITY, so the use cases are already limited by that and the warning about using multiple unique constraints.


One node can update a row that another node deletes at the same time. In this case an UPDATE/DELETE conflict can occur on replay.

If the deleted row is still detectable (the deleted row wasn't removed by VACUUM), the update_recently_deleted conflict is generated. By default, the UPDATE is skipped, but you can configure the resolution for this. See Conflict resolution for details.

The database can clean up the deleted row by the time the UPDATE is received in case the local node is lagging behind in replication. In this case, PGD can't differentiate between UPDATE/DELETE conflicts and INSERT/UPDATE conflicts. It generates the update_missing conflict.

Another type of conflicting DELETE and UPDATE is a DELETE that comes after the row was updated locally. In this situation, the outcome depends on the type of conflict detection used. When using the default, origin conflict detection, no conflict is detected, leading to the DELETE being applied and the row removed. If you enable row version conflict detection, a delete_recently_updated conflict is generated. The default resolution for a delete_recently_updated conflict is to skip the deletion. However, you can configure the resolution or a conflict trigger can be configured to handle it.


When using the default asynchronous mode of operation, a node might receive an UPDATE of a row before the original INSERT was received. This can happen only when three or more nodes are active (see Conflicts with three or more nodes).

When this happens, the update_missing conflict is generated. The default conflict resolver is insert_or_skip, though you can use insert_or_error or skip instead. Resolvers that do insert-or-action first try to INSERT a new row based on data from the UPDATE when possible (when the whole row was received). For reconstructing the row to be possible, the table either needs to have REPLICA IDENTITY FULL or the row must not contain any toasted data.

See TOAST support details for more info about toasted data.


Similar to the INSERT/UPDATE conflict, the node might also receive a DELETE operation on a row for which it didn't yet receive an INSERT. This is again possible only with three or more nodes set up (see Conflicts with three or more nodes).

PGD can't currently detect this conflict type. The INSERT operation doesn't generate any conflict type, and the INSERT is applied.

The DELETE operation always generates a delete_missing conflict, which is by default resolved by skipping the operation.


A DELETE/DELETE conflict arises when two different nodes concurrently delete the same tuple.

This scenario always generates a delete_missing conflict, which is by default resolved by skipping the operation.

This conflict is harmless since both DELETE operations have the same effect. You can safely ignroe one of them.

Conflicts with three or more nodes

If one node inserts a row that's then replayed to a second node and updated there, a third node can receive the UPDATE from the second node before it receives the INSERT from the first node. This scenario is an INSERT/UPDATE conflict.

These conflicts are handled by discarding the UPDATE, which can lead to different data on different nodes. These are divergent conflicts.

This conflict type can happen only with three or more masters. At least two masters must be actively writing.

Also, the replication lag from node 1 to node 3 must be high enough to allow the following sequence of actions:

  1. node 2 receives INSERT from node 1
  2. node 2 performs UPDATE
  3. node 3 receives UPDATE from node 2
  4. node 3 receives INSERT from node 1

Using insert_or_error (or in some cases the insert_or_skip conflict resolver for the update_missing conflict type) is a viable mitigation strategy for these conflicts. However, enabling this option opens the door for INSERT/DELETE conflicts:

  1. node 1 performs UPDATE
  2. node 2 performs DELETE
  3. node 3 receives DELETE from node 2
  4. node 3 receives UPDATE from node 1, turning it into an INSERT

If these are problems, we recommend tuning freezing settings for a table or database so that they're correctly detected as update_recently_deleted.

Another alternative is to use Eager Replication to prevent these conflicts.

INSERT/DELETE conflicts can also occur with three or more nodes. Such a conflict is identical to INSERT/UPDATE except with the UPDATE replaced by a DELETE. This can result in a delete_missing conflict.

PGD could choose to make each INSERT into a check-for-recently deleted, as occurs with an update_missing conflict. However, the cost of doing this penalizes the majority of users, so at this time it instead logs delete_missing.

Future releases will automatically resolve INSERT/DELETE anomalies by way of rechecks using LiveCompare when delete_missing conflicts occur. Applications can perform these manually by checking the bdr.conflict_history_summary view.

These conflicts can occur in two main problem use cases:

  • INSERT followed rapidly by a DELETE, as can be used in queuing applications
  • Any case where the primary key identifier of a table is reused

Neither of these cases is common. We recommend not replicating the affected tables if these problem use cases occur.

PGD has problems with the latter case because PGD relies on the uniqueness of identifiers to make replication work correctly.

Applications that insert, delete, and then later reuse the same unique identifiers can cause difficulties. This is known as the ABA problem. PGD has no way of knowing whether the rows are the current row, the last row, or much older rows.

Unique identifier reuse is also a business problem, since it prevents unique identification over time, which prevents auditing, traceability, and sensible data quality. Applications don't need to reuse unique identifiers.

Any identifier reuse that occurs in the time interval it takes for changes to pass across the system causes difficulties. Although that time might be short in normal operation, down nodes can extend that interval to hours or days.

We recommend that applications don't reuse unique identifiers. If they do, take steps to avoid reuse in less than a year.

This problem doesn't occur in applications that use sequences or UUIDs.

Foreign key constraint conflicts

Conflicts between a remote transaction being applied and existing local data can also occur for FOREIGN KEY (FK) constraints.

PGD applies changes with session_replication_role = 'replica', so foreign keys aren't rechecked when applying changes. In an active/active environment, this situation can result in FK violations if deletes occur to the referenced table at the same time as inserts into the referencing table. This scenario is similar to an INSERT/DELETE conflict.

In single-master Postgres, any INSERT/UPDATE that refers to a value in the referenced table must wait for DELETE operations to finish before they can gain a row-level lock. If a DELETE removes a referenced value, then the INSERT/UPDATE fails the FK check.

In multi-master PGD. there are no inter-node row-level locks. An INSERT on the referencing table doesn't wait behind a DELETE on the referenced table, so both actions can occur concurrently. Thus an INSERT/UPDATE on one node on the referencing table can use a value at the same time as a DELETE on the referenced table on another node. The result, then, is a value in the referencing table that's no longer present in the referenced table.

In practice, this situation occurs if the DELETE operations occur on referenced tables in separate transactions from DELETE operations on referencing tables, which isn't a common operation.

In a parent-child relationship such as Orders -> OrderItems, it isn't typical to do this. It's more likely to mark an OrderItem as canceled than to remove it completely. For reference/lookup data, it's unusual to completely remove entries at the same time as using those same values for new fact data.

While dangling FKs are possible, the risk of this in general is very low. Thus PGD doesn't impose a generic solution to cover this case. Once you understand the situation in which this occurs, two solutions are possible.

The first solution is to restrict the use of FKs to closely related entities that are generally modified from only one node at a time, are infrequently modified, or where the modification's concurrency is application mediated. This approach avoids any FK violations at the application level.

The second solution is to add triggers to protect against this case using the PGD-provided functions bdr.ri_fkey_trigger() and bdr.ri_fkey_on_del_trigger(). When called as BEFORE triggers, these functions use FOREIGN KEY information to avoid FK anomalies by setting referencing columns to NULL, much as if you had a SET NULL constraint. This approach rechecks all FKs in one trigger, so you need to add only one trigger per table to prevent FK violation.

As an example, suppose you have two tables: Fact and RefData. Fact has an FK that references RefData. Fact is the referencing table, and RefData is the referenced table. You need to add one trigger to each table.

Add a trigger that sets columns to NULL in Fact if the referenced row in RefData was already deleted:

CREATE TRIGGER bdr_replica_fk_iu_trg
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE bdr.ri_fkey_trigger();

    ENABLE REPLICA TRIGGER bdr_replica_fk_iu_trg;

Add a trigger that sets columns to NULL in Fact at the time a DELETE occurs on the RefData table:

CREATE TRIGGER bdr_replica_fk_d_trg
    BEFORE DELETE ON refdata
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE bdr.ri_fkey_on_del_trigger();

    ENABLE REPLICA TRIGGER bdr_replica_fk_d_trg;

Adding both triggers avoids dangling foreign keys.

TRUNCATE conflicts

TRUNCATE behaves similarly to a DELETE of all rows but performs this action by physically removing the table data rather than row-by-row deletion. As a result, row-level conflict handling isn't available, so TRUNCATE commands don't generate conflicts with other DML actions, even when there's a clear conflict.

As a result, the ordering of replay can cause divergent changes if another DML is executed concurrently on other nodes to the TRUNCATE.

You can take one of the following actions:

  • Ensure TRUNCATE isn't executed alongside other concurrent DML. Rely on LiveCompare to highlight any such inconsistency.

  • Replace TRUNCATE with a DELETE statement with no WHERE clause. This approach is likely to have poor performance on larger tables.

  • Set bdr.truncate_locking = 'on' to set the TRUNCATE command’s locking behavior. This setting determines whether TRUNCATE obeys the bdr.ddl_locking setting. This isn't the default behavior for TRUNCATE since it requires all nodes to be up. This configuration might not be possible or wanted in all cases.

Data conflicts for roles and tablespace differences

Conflicts can also arise where nodes have global (Postgres-system-wide) data, like roles, that differ. This conflict can result in operationsmainly DDLthat can run successfully and commit on one node but then fail to apply to other nodes.

For example, node1 might have a user named fred, and that user wasn't created on node2. If fred on node1 creates a table, the table is replicated with its owner set to fred. When the DDL command is applied to node2, the DDL fails because there's no user named fred. This failure generates an error in the Postgres logs.

Administrator intervention is required to resolve this conflict by creating the user fred in the database where PGD is running. You can set bdr.role_replication = on to resolve this in future.

Lock conflicts and deadlock aborts

Because PGD writer processes operate much like normal user sessions, they're subject to the usual rules around row and table locking. This can sometimes lead to PGD writer processes waiting on locks held by user transactions or even by each other.

Relevant locking includes:

  • Explicit table-level locking (LOCK TABLE ...) by user sessions
  • Explicit row-level locking (SELECT ... FOR UPDATE/FOR SHARE) by user sessions
  • Implicit locking because of row UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE operations, either from local activity or from replication from other nodes

A PGD writer process can deadlock with a user transaction, where the user transaction is waiting on a lock held by the writer process and vice versa. Two writer processes can also deadlock with each other. Postgres's deadlock detector steps in and terminates one of the problem transactions. If the PGD writer process is terminated, it retries and generally succeeds.

All these issues are transient and generally require no administrator action. If a writer process is stuck for a long time behind a lock on an idle user session, the administrator can terminate the user session to get replication flowing again. However, this is no different from a user holding a long lock that impacts another user session.

Use of the log_lock_waits facility in Postgres can help identify locking related replay stalls.

Divergent conflicts

Divergent conflicts arise when data that should be the same on different nodes differs unexpectedly. Divergent conflicts shouldn't occur, but not all such conflicts can be reliably prevented at the time of writing.

Changing the PRIMARY KEY of a row can lead to a divergent conflict if another node changes the key of the same row before all nodes have replayed the change. Avoid changing primary keys, or change them only on one designated node.

Divergent conflicts involving row data generally require administrator action to manually adjust the data on one of the nodes to be consistent with the other one. Such conflicts don't arise so long as you use PGD as documented and avoid settings or functions marked as unsafe.

The administrator must manually resolve such conflicts. You might need to use the advanced options such as bdr.ddl_replication and bdr.ddl_locking depending on the nature of the conflict. However, careless use of these options can make things much worse and create a conflict that generic instructions can't address.

TOAST support details

Postgres uses out-of-line storage for larger columns called TOAST.

The TOAST values handling in logical decoding (which PGD is built on top of) and logical replication is different from inline data stored as part of the main row in the table.

The TOAST value is logged into the transaction log (WAL) only if the value changed. This can cause problems, especially when handling UPDATE conflicts, because an UPDATE statement that didn't change a value of a toasted column produces a row without that column. As mentioned in INSERT/UPDATE conflicts, PGD reports an error if an update_missing conflict is resolved using insert_or_error and there are missing TOAST columns.

However, more subtle issues than this one occur in case of concurrent workloads with asynchronous replication. (Eager transactions aren't affected.) Imagine, for example, the following workload on an EDB Postgres Distributed cluster with three nodes called A, B, and C:

  1. On node A: txn A1 does an UPDATE SET col1 = 'toast data...' and commits first.
  2. On node B: txn B1 does UPDATE SET other_column = 'anything else'; and commits after A1.
  3. On node C: the connection to node A lags behind.
  4. On node C: txn B1 is applied first, it misses the TOASTed column in col1, but gets applied without conflict.
  5. On node C: txn A1 conflicts (on update_origin_change) and is skipped.
  6. Node C misses the toasted data from A1 forever.

This scenario isn't usually a problem when using PGD. (It is when using either built-in logical replication or plain pglogical for multi-master.) PGD adds its own logging of TOAST columns when it detects a local UPDATE to a row that recently replicated a TOAST column modification and the local UPDATE isn't modifying the TOAST. Thus PGD prevents any inconsistency for toasted data across different nodes. This situation causes increased WAL logging when updates occur on multiple nodes, that is, when origin changes for a tuple. Additional WAL overhead is zero if all updates are made from a single node, as is normally the case with PGD AlwaysOn architecture.


Running VACUUM FULL or CLUSTER on just the TOAST table without doing same on the main table removes metadata needed for the extra logging to work. This means that, for a short period after such a statement, the protection against these concurrency issues isn't present.


The additional WAL logging of TOAST is done using the BEFORE UPDATE trigger on standard Postgres. This trigger must be sorted alphabetically last based on trigger name among all BEFORE UPDATE triggers on the table. It's prefixed with zzzz_bdr_ to make this easier, but make sure you don't create any trigger with a name that sorts after it. Otherwise you won't have the protection against the concurrency issues.

For the insert_or_error conflict resolution, the use of REPLICA IDENTITY FULL is still required.

None of these problems associated with toasted columns affect tables with REPLICA IDENTITY FULL. This setting always logs a toasted value as part of the key since the whole row is considered to be part of the key. PGD can reconstruct the new row, filling the missing data from the key row. As a result, using REPLICA IDENTITY FULL can increase WAL size significantly.