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pgBackRest is an easy-to-use backup and restore tool that aims to enable your organization to implement disaster recovery solutions for PostgreSQL databases.


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pgBackRest v2.47 is the current stable release. Release notes are on the Releases page.

EDB collaborates with the community on this open-source software. The packages are provided by the PostgreSQL community. All of the use cases shown in this document are fully tested and supported by EDB Postgres Advanced Server.


Instructions for installing pgBackRest on supported systems, including EDB Postgres Advanced Server

Quick Start

A walkthrough: configuring pgBackRest, then running, examining and restoring a backup of a database cluster

Recommended Settings

Recommendations & rationale for pgBackRest configuration settings

Retention Policy

Configuration options and considerations for the removal of obsolete backups and WAL archives

Use Case 1

Examines a configuration used to run pgBackRest locally, on the database host

Use Case 2

Examines a configuration used to run pgBackRest from a dedicated repository host

Multiple Repositories

Multiple Repositories Support Feature

TLS connections

TLS Server Support Feature


Definitions for terms and concepts used in this guide, along with notes on configuration terminology


Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

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