TABLE() v11

Use the TABLE() function to transform the members of an array into a set of rows. The signature is:




collection_value is an expression that evaluates to a value of collection type.

The TABLE() function expands the nested contents of a collection into a table format. You can use the TABLE() function anywhere you use a regular table expression.

The TABLE() function returns a SETOF ANYELEMENT (a set of values of any type). For example, if the argument passed to this function is an array of dates, TABLE() will return a SETOF dates. If the argument passed to this function is an array of paths, TABLE() will return a SETOF paths.

You can use the TABLE() function to expand the contents of a collection into table form:

postgres=# SELECT * FROM TABLE(monthly_balance(445.00, 980.20, 552.00));

(3 rows)