dblink_ora_copy() v15

The dblink_ora_copy() function copies an Oracle table to an EDB table. The dblink_ora_copy() function returns a BIGINT value that represents the number of rows copied. The signature is:

dblink_ora_copy(<conn_name>, <command>, <schema_name>, <table_name>,
<truncate>, <count>)


  • conn_name specifies the name of the link.

  • command specifies the text of the SQL SELECT statement invoked on the Oracle server.

  • schema_name specifies the name of the target schema.

  • table_name specifies the name of the target table.

  • truncate specifies whether the server performs a TRUNCATE on the table prior to copying. Specify TRUE if you want the server to TRUNCATE the table. truncate is optional. If omitted, the value is FALSE.

  • count reports status information every n records, where n is a number. While the function executes, EDB Postgres Advanced Server raises a notice of severity INFO with each iteration of the count. For example, if FeedbackCount is 10, dblink_ora_copy() raises a notice every 10 records. count is optional. If omitted, the value is 0.