Forming a connection string v17

The EDB OCL Connector accepts both Oracle-style and Postgres-style connection URIs. A connection string can take the following Oracle-style form:


Or it can take the following Postgres-style forms:


You can also use a Postgres-style URI to specify multiple host components, each with an optional port component, in a single URI. A multi-host connection string takes the form:



user is the name of the connecting user.

password is the password associated with the connecting user.

host is the host name or IP address to which you're connecting. To specify an IPV6 address, enclose the address in square brackets.

port is the port number to which you're connecting.

dbname is the name of the database with which you're connecting.

paramx=valuex pairs specify extra, application-specific connection properties.

For example, each of the following connection strings establishes a connection to the edb database on port 5444 of a system with an IP address of


For more information about using Postgres-style connection strings, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.