Configuring SQL/Protect v17

You can configure how SQL/Protect operates.


Meet the following prerequisites before configuring SQL/Protect:

  • The library file ( on Linux, sqlprotect.dll on Windows) needed to run SQL/Protect is installed in the lib subdirectory of your EDB Postgres Advanced Server home directory. For Windows, the EDB Postgres Advanced Server installer does this. For Linux, install the edb-as<xx>-server-sqlprotect RPM package, where <xx> is the EDB Postgres Advanced Server version number.

  • You need the SQL script file sqlprotect.sql located in the share/contrib subdirectory of your EDB Postgres Advanced Server home directory.

  • You must configure the database server to use SQL/Protect, and you must configure each database that you want SQL/Protect to monitor:

    • You must modify the database server configuration file postgresql.conf by adding and enabling configuration parameters used by SQL/Protect.
    • Install database objects used by SQL/Protect in each database that you want SQL/Protect to monitor.

Configuring the module

  1. Edit the following configuration parameters in the postgresql.conf file located in the data subdirectory of your EDB Postgres Advanced Server home directory:
  • shared_preload_libraries. Add $libdir/sqlprotect to the list of libraries.

  • edb_sql_protect.enabled. Controls whether SQL/Protect is actively monitoring protected roles by analyzing SQL statements issued by those roles and reacting according to the setting of edb_sql_protect.level. When you're ready to begin monitoring with SQL/Protect, set this parameter to on. The default is off.

  • edb_sql_protect.level. Sets the action taken by SQL/Protect when a SQL statement is issued by a protected role. The default behavior is passive. Initially, set this parameter to learn. See Setting the protection level for more information.

  • edb_sql_protect.max_protected_roles. Sets the maximum number of roles to protect. The default is 64.

  • edb_sql_protect.max_protected_relations. Sets the maximum number of relations to protect per role. The default is 1024.

    The total number of protected relations for the server is the number of protected relations times the number of protected roles. Every protected relation consumes space in shared memory. The space for the maximum possible protected relations is reserved during database server startup.

  • edb_sql_protect.max_queries_to_save. Sets the maximum number of offending queries to save in the edb_sql_protect_queries view. The default is 5000. If the number of offending queries reaches the limit, additional queries aren't saved in the view but are accessible in the database server log file.

    The minimum valid value for this parameter is 100. If you specify a value less than 100, the database server starts using the default setting of 5000. A warning message is recorded in the database server log file.

    This example shows the settings of these parameters in the postgresql.conf file:

shared_preload_libraries = '$libdir/dbms_pipe,$libdir/edb_gen,$libdir/sqlprotect'
                                        # (change requires restart)
edb_sql_protect.enabled = off
edb_sql_protect.level = learn
edb_sql_protect.max_protected_roles = 64
edb_sql_protect.max_protected_relations = 1024
edb_sql_protect.max_queries_to_save = 5000
  1. After you modify the postgresql.conf file, restart the database server.
  • On Linux: Invoke the EDB Postgres Advanced Server service script with the restart option.

    On a Redhat or CentOS 7.x installation, use the command:

    systemctl restart edb-as-17
  • On Windows: Use the Windows Services applet to restart the service named edb-as-14.

  1. For each database that you want to protect from SQL injection attacks, connect to the database as a superuser (either enterprisedb or postgres, depending on your installation options). Then run the script sqlprotect.sql, located in the share/contrib subdirectory of your EDB Postgres Advanced Server home directory. The script creates the SQL/Protect database objects in a schema named sqlprotect.

This example shows the process to set up protection for a database named edb:

$ /usr/edb/as17/bin/psql -d edb -U enterprisedb
Password for user enterprisedb:
psql.bin (17.2.0, server 17.2.0)
Type "help" for help.

edb=# \i /usr/edb/as17/share/contrib/sqlprotect.sql

Selecting roles to protect

After you create the SQL/Protect database objects in a database, you can select the roles for which to monitor SQL queries for protection and the level of protection to assign to each role.

Setting the protected roles list

For each database that you want to protect, you must determine the roles you want to monitor and then add those roles to the protected roles list of that database.

  1. Connect as a superuser to a database that you want to protect with either psql or the Postgres Enterprise Manager client:
$ /usr/edb/as17/bin/psql -d edb -U enterprisedb
Password for user enterprisedb:
psql.bin (17.2.0, server 17.2.0)
Type "help" for help.

  1. Since the SQL/Protect tables, functions, and views are built under the sqlprotect schema, use the SET search_path command to include the sqlprotect schema in your search path. Doing so eliminates the need to schema-qualify any operation or query involving SQL/Protect database objects:
edb=# SET search_path TO sqlprotect;
  1. You must add each role that you want to protect to the protected roles list. This list is maintained in the table edb_sql_protect.

    To add a role, use the function protect_role('rolename'). This example protects a role named appuser:

edb=# SELECT protect_role('appuser');

(1 row)

You can list the roles that were added to the protected roles list with the following query:

edb=# SELECT * FROM edb_sql_protect;
 dbid  | roleid | protect_relations | allow_utility_cmds | allow_tautology |
 13917 |  16671 | t                 | f                  | f               | f
(1 row)

A view is also provided that gives the same information using the object names instead of the object identification numbers (OIDs):

edb=# \x
Expanded display is on.
edb=# SELECT * FROM list_protected_users;
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+--------
dbname             | edb
username           | appuser
protect_relations  | t
allow_utility_cmds | f
allow_tautology    | f
allow_empty_dml    | f

Setting the protection level

The edb_sql_protect.level configuration parameter sets the protection level, which defines the behavior of SQL/Protect when a protected role issues a SQL statement. The defined behavior applies to all roles in the protected roles lists of all databases configured with SQL/Protect in the database server.

You can set the edb_sql_protect.level configuration parameter in the postgresql.conf file to one of the following values to specify learn, passive, or active mode:

  • learn. Tracks the activities of protected roles and records the relations used by the roles. Use this mode when first configuring SQL/Protect so the expected behaviors of the protected applications are learned.
  • passive. Issues warnings if protected roles are breaking the defined rules but doesn't stop any SQL statements from executing. This mode is the next step after SQL/Protect learns the expected behavior of the protected roles. It essentially behaves in intrusion detection mode. You can run this mode in production when proper monitoring is in place.
  • active. Stops all invalid statements for a protected role. This mode behaves as a SQL firewall, preventing dangerous queries from running. This approach is particularly effective against early penetration testing when the attacker is trying to find the vulnerability point and the type of database behind the application. Not only does SQL/Protect close those vulnerability points, it tracks the blocked queries. This tracking can alert administrators before the attacker finds another way to penetrate the system.

The default mode is passive.

If you're using SQL/Protect for the first time, set edb_sql_protect.level to learn.

Monitoring protected roles

After you configure SQL/Protect in a database, add roles to the protected roles list, and set the desired protection level, you can activate SQL/Protect in learn, passive, or active mode. You can then start running your applications.

With a new SQL/Protect installation, the first step is to determine the relations that protected roles are allowed to access during normal operation. Learn mode allows a role to run applications during which time SQL/Protect is recording the relations that are accessed. These are added to the role’s protected relations list stored in table edb_sql_protect_rel.

Monitoring for protection against attack begins when you run SQL/Protect in passive or active mode. In passive and active modes, the role is permitted to access the relations in its protected relations list. These are the specified relations the role can access during typical usage.

However, if a role attempts to access a relation that isn't in its protected relations list, SQL/Protect returns a WARNING or ERROR severity-level message. The role’s attempted action on the relation might not be carried out, depending on whether the mode is passive or active.

Learn mode

To activate SQL/Protect in learn mode:

  1. Set the parameters in the postgresql.conf file:
edb_sql_protect.enabled = on
edb_sql_protect.level = learn
  1. Reload the postgresql.conf file. From the EDB Postgres Advanced Server application menu, select Reload Configuration > Expert Configuration.

    For an alternative method of reloading the configuration file, use the pg_reload_conf function. Be sure you're connected to a database as a superuser, and execute function pg_reload_conf:

edb=# SELECT pg_reload_conf();
(1 row)
  1. Allow the protected roles to run their applications.

    For example, the following queries are issued in the psql application by the protected role appuser:

edb=> SELECT * FROM dept;
NOTICE:  SQLPROTECT: Learned relation: 16384
 deptno |   dname    |   loc
     20 | RESEARCH   | DALLAS
     30 | SALES      | CHICAGO
(4 rows)
edb=> SELECT empno, ename, job FROM emp WHERE deptno = 10;
NOTICE:  SQLPROTECT: Learned relation: 16391
 empno | ename  |    job
  7782 | CLARK  | MANAGER
  7839 | KING   | PRESIDENT
  7934 | MILLER | CLERK
(3 rows)

SQL/Protect generates a NOTICE severity-level message, indicating the relation was added to the role’s protected relations list.

In SQL/Protect learn mode, SQL statements that are cause for suspicion aren't prevented from executing. However, a message is issued to alert the user to potentially dangerous statements:

edb=> CREATE TABLE appuser_tab (f1 INTEGER);
NOTICE: SQLPROTECT: This command type is illegal for this user
edb=> DELETE FROM appuser_tab;
NOTICE: SQLPROTECT: Learned relation: 16672
NOTICE: SQLPROTECT: Illegal Query: empty DML
  1. As a protected role runs applications, you can query the SQL/Protect tables to see that relations were added to the role’s protected relations list. Connect as a superuser to the database you're monitoring, and set the search path to include the sqlprotect schema:
edb=# SET search_path TO sqlprotect;

Query the edb_sql_protect_rel table to see the relations added to the protected relations list:

edb=# SELECT * FROM edb_sql_protect_rel;
 dbid   | roleid | relid
 13917  | 16671  | 16384
 13917  | 16671  | 16391
 13917  | 16671  | 16672
(3 rows)

The list_protected_rels view provides more comprehensive information along with the object names instead of the OIDs:

edb=# SELECT * FROM list_protected_rels;
Database | Protected User | Schema |    Name     | Type  |    Owner
 edb      | appuser        | public | dept        | Table | enterprisedb
 edb      | appuser        | public | emp         | Table | enterprisedb
 edb      | appuser        | public | appuser_tab | Table | appuser
(3 rows)

Passive mode

After a role’s applications have accessed all relations they need, you can change the protection level so that SQL/Protect can actively monitor the incoming SQL queries and protect against SQL injection attacks.

Passive mode is a less restrictive protection mode than active.

  1. To activate SQL/Protect in passive mode, set the following parameters in the postgresql.conf file:
edb_sql_protect.enabled = on
edb_sql_protect.level = passive
  1. Reload the configuration file as shown in Step 2 of Learn mode.

    Now SQL/Protect is in passive mode. For relations that were learned, such as the dept and emp tables of the prior examples, SQL statements are permitted. No special notification to the client by SQL/Protect is required, as shown by the following queries run by user appuser:

edb=> SELECT * FROM dept;
 deptno |   dname    |   loc
    20  | RESEARCH   | DALLAS
    30  | SALES      | CHICAGO
(4 rows)
edb=> SELECT empno, ename, job FROM emp WHERE deptno = 10;
 empno | ename  |    job
  7782 | CLARK  | MANAGER
  7839 | KING   | PRESIDENT
  7934 | MILLER | CLERK
(3 rows)

SQL/Protect doesn't prevent any SQL statement from executing. However, it issues a message of WARNING severity level for SQL statements executed against relations that weren't learned. It also issues a warning for SQL statements that contain a prohibited signature:

edb=> CREATE TABLE appuser_tab_2 (f1 INTEGER);
WARNING: SQLPROTECT: This command type is illegal for this user
edb=> INSERT INTO appuser_tab_2 VALUES (1);
WARNING: SQLPROTECT: Illegal Query: relations
edb=> INSERT INTO appuser_tab_2 VALUES (2);
WARNING: SQLPROTECT: Illegal Query: relations
edb=> SELECT * FROM appuser_tab_2 WHERE 'x' = 'x';
WARNING: SQLPROTECT: Illegal Query: relations
WARNING: SQLPROTECT: Illegal Query: tautology
(2 rows)
  1. Monitor the statistics for suspicious activity.

    By querying the view edb_sql_protect_stats, you can see the number of times SQL statements executed that referenced relations that weren't in a role’s protected relations list or contained SQL injection attack signatures.

    The following is a query on edb_sql_protect_stats:

edb=# SET search_path TO sqlprotect;
edb=# SELECT * FROM edb_sql_protect_stats;
 username  | superusers | relations | commands | tautology | dml
 appuser   |     0      |     3     |    1     |     1     | 0
(1 row)
  1. View information on specific attacks.

    By querying the edb_sql_protect_queries view, you can see the SQL statements that were executed that referenced relations that weren't in a role’s protected relations list or that contained SQL injection attack signatures.

    The following code sample shows a query on edb_sql_protect_queries:

edb=# SELECT * FROM edb_sql_protect_queries;
-[ RECORD 1 ]+---------------------------------------------
 username     | appuser
 ip_address   |
 port         |
 machine_name |
 date_time    | 20-JUN-14 13:21:00 -04:00
 query        | INSERT INTO appuser_tab_2 VALUES (1);
-[ RECORD 2 ]+---------------------------------------------
 username     | appuser
 ip_address   |
 port         |
 machine_name |
 date_time    | 20-JUN-14 13:21:00 -04:00
 query        | CREATE TABLE appuser_tab_2 (f1 INTEGER);
-[ RECORD 3 ]+---------------------------------------------
 username     | appuser
 ip_address   |
 port         |
 machine_name |
 date_time    | 20-JUN-14 13:22:00 -04:00
 query        | INSERT INTO appuser_tab_2 VALUES (2);
-[ RECORD 4 ]+---------------------------------------------
 username     | appuser
 ip_address   |
 port         |
 machine_name |
 date_time    | 20-JUN-14 13:22:00 -04:00
 query        | SELECT * FROM appuser_tab_2 WHERE 'x' = 'x';

The ip_address and port columns don't return any information if the attack originated on the same host as the database server using the Unix-domain socket (that is, pg_hba.conf connection type local).

Active mode

In active mode, disallowed SQL statements are prevented from executing. Also, the message issued by SQL/Protect has a higher severity level of ERROR instead of WARNING.

  1. To activate SQL/Protect in active mode, set the following parameters in the postgresql.conf file:
edb_sql_protect.enabled = on
edb_sql_protect.level = active
  1. Reload the configuration file as shown in Step 2 of Learn mode.

This example shows SQL statements similar to those given in the examples of Step 2 in Passive mode. These statements are executed by the user appuser when edb_sql_protect.level is set to active:

edb=> CREATE TABLE appuser_tab_3 (f1 INTEGER);
ERROR: SQLPROTECT: This command type is illegal for this user
edb=> INSERT INTO appuser_tab_2 VALUES (1);
ERROR: SQLPROTECT: Illegal Query: relations
edb=> SELECT * FROM appuser_tab_2 WHERE 'x' = 'x';
ERROR: SQLPROTECT: Illegal Query: relations

The following shows the resulting statistics:

edb=# SELECT * FROM sqlprotect.edb_sql_protect_stats;
 username  | superusers | relations | commands | tautology | dml
 appuser   |      0     |     5     |     2    |     1     | 0
(1 row)

The following is a query on edb_sql_protect_queries:

edb=# SELECT * FROM sqlprotect.edb_sql_protect_queries;
-[ RECORD 1 ]+---------------------------------------------
 username     | appuser
 ip_address   |
 port         |
 machine_name |
 date_time    | 20-JUN-14 13:21:00 -04:00
 query        | CREATE TABLE appuser_tab_2 (f1 INTEGER);
-[ RECORD 2 ]+---------------------------------------------
 username     | appuser
 ip_address   |
 port         |
 machine_name |
 date_time    | 20-JUN-14 13:22:00 -04:00
 query        | INSERT INTO appuser_tab_2 VALUES (2);
-[ RECORD 3 ]+---------------------------------------------
 username     | appuser
 ip_address   |
 port         | 50098
 machine_name |
 date_time    | 20-JUN-14 13:39:00 -04:00
 query        | CREATE TABLE appuser_tab_3 (f1 INTEGER);
-[ RECORD 4 ]+---------------------------------------------
 username     | appuser
 ip_address   |
 port         | 50098
 machine_name |
 date_time    | 20-JUN-14 13:39:00 -04:00
 query        | INSERT INTO appuser_tab_2 VALUES (1);
-[ RECORD 5 ]+---------------------------------------------
 username     | appuser
 ip_address   |
 port         | 50098
 machine_name |
 date_time    | 20-JUN-14 13:39:00 -04:00
 query        | SELECT * FROM appuser_tab_2 WHERE 'x' = 'x';