GROUPING_ID function v16

The GROUPING_ID function provides a simplification of the GROUPING function to determine the subtotal level of a row in the result set from a ROLLBACK, CUBE, or GROUPING SETS extension.

The GROUPING function takes only one column expression and returns an indication of whether a row is a subtotal over all values of the given column. Thus, you might need multiple GROUPING functions to interpret the level of subtotals for queries with multiple grouping columns.

The GROUPING_ID function accepts one or more column expressions that were used in the ROLLBACK, CUBE, or GROUPING SETS extensions. It returns a single integer that you can use to determine over which of these columns a subtotal was aggregated.


The general syntax for the GROUPING_ID function is:

SELECT [ <expr> ...,]
  GROUPING_ID( <col_expr_1> [, <col_expr_2> ] ... )
  [, <expr> ] ...
FROM ...
GROUP BY [...,]
  { ROLLUP | CUBE | GROUPING SETS }( [...,] <col_expr_1>
  [, <col_expr_2> ] [, ...] ) [, ...]

The GROUPING_ID function takes one or more parameters that must be expressions of dimension columns specified in the expression list of a ROLLUP, CUBE, or GROUPING SETS extension of the GROUP BY clause.

The GROUPING_ID function returns an integer value. This value corresponds to the base-10 interpretation of a bit vector consisting of the concatenated 1s and 0s returned by a series of GROUPING functions specified in the same left-to-right order as the ordering of the parameters specified in the GROUPING_ID function.


The following query shows how the returned values of the GROUPING_ID function represented in column gid correspond to the values returned by two GROUPING functions on columns loc and dname:

SELECT loc, dname, COUNT(*) AS "employees",
  GROUPING(loc) AS "gf_loc", GROUPING(dname) AS "gf_dname",
  GROUPING_ID(loc, dname) AS "gid"
FROM emp e, dept d
WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno
GROUP BY CUBE (loc, dname)
ORDER BY 6, 1, 2;

In the following output, note the relationship between a bit vector consisting of the gf_loc value and gf_dname value compared to the integer given in gid:

loc      |   dname    | employees | gf_loc | gf_dname | gid
BOSTON   | OPERATIONS |         3 |      0 |        0 |   0
BOSTON   | RESEARCH   |         5 |      0 |        0 |   0
CHICAGO  | SALES      |         6 |      0 |        0 |   0
NEW YORK | ACCOUNTING |         3 |      0 |        0 |   0
BOSTON   |            |         8 |      0 |        1 |   1
CHICAGO  |            |         6 |      0 |        1 |   1
NEW YORK |            |         3 |      0 |        1 |   1
         | ACCOUNTING |         3 |      1 |        0 |   2
         | OPERATIONS |         3 |      1 |        0 |   2
         | RESEARCH   |         5 |      1 |        0 |   2
         | SALES      |         6 |      1 |        0 |   2
         |            |        17 |      1 |        1 |   3
(12 rows)

The following table provides specific examples of the GROUPING_ID function calculations based on the GROUPING function return values for four rows of the output.

locdnameBit Vector

gf_loc gf_dname

BOSTONOPERATIONS0 * 2¹ + 0 * 2⁰0
BOSTONnull0 * 2¹ + 1 * 2⁰1
nullACCOUNTING1 * 2¹ + 0 * 2⁰2
nullnull1 * 2¹ + 1 * 2⁰3

The following table summarizes how the GROUPING_ID function return values correspond to the grouping columns over which aggregation occurs.

Aggregation by ColumnBit Vector

gf_loc gf_dname

loc, dname0 00
loc0 11
dname1 02
Grand Total1 13

To display only those subtotals by dname, use the following simplified query with a HAVING clause based on the GROUPING_ID function:

SELECT loc, dname, COUNT(*) AS "employees",
  GROUPING(loc) AS "gf_loc", GROUPING(dname) AS "gf_dname",
  GROUPING_ID(loc, dname) AS "gid"
FROM emp e, dept d
WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno
GROUP BY CUBE (loc, dname)
HAVING GROUPING_ID(loc, dname) = 2
ORDER BY 6, 1, 2;

The result of the query is:

loc |   dname    | employees | gf_loc | gf_dname | gid
    | ACCOUNTING |         3 |      1 |        0 |   2
    | OPERATIONS |         3 |      1 |        0 |   2
    | RESEARCH   |         5 |      1 |        0 |   2
    | SALES      |         6 |      1 |        0 |   2
(4 rows)