Assignment v17
The assignment statement sets a variable or a formal parameter of mode OUT
specified on the left side of the assignment :=
to the evaluated expression specified on the right side of the assignment.
<variable> := <expression>;
is an identifier for a previously declared variable, OUT
formal parameter, or IN OUT
formal parameter.
is an expression that produces a single value. The value produced by the expression must have a data type compatible with that of variable
This example shows the typical use of assignment statements in the executable section of the procedure:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE dept_salary_rpt ( p_deptno NUMBER ) IS todays_date DATE; rpt_title VARCHAR2(60); base_sal INTEGER; base_comm_rate NUMBER; base_annual NUMBER; BEGIN todays_date := SYSDATE; rpt_title := 'Report For Department # ' || p_deptno || ' on ' || todays_date; base_sal := 35525; base_comm_rate := 1.33333; base_annual := ROUND(base_sal * base_comm_rate, 2); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(rpt_title); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Base Annual Salary: ' || base_annual); END;