The CONVERTTOBLOB procedure converts character data to binary.

CONVERTTOBLOB(<dest_lob> IN OUT BLOB, <src_clob> CLOB,
  <amount> NUMBER, <dest_offset> IN OUT NUMBER,
  <src_offset> IN OUT NUMBER, <blob_csid> NUMBER,
  <lang_context> IN OUT NUMBER, <warning> OUT NUMBER)



BLOB large object locator to which to convert the character data.


CLOB large object locator of the character data to convert.


Number of characters of src_clob to convert.

dest_offset IN

Position in bytes in the destination BLOB where you want to begin writing the source CLOB. The first byte is offset 1.

dest_offset OUT

Position in bytes in the destination BLOB after the write operation completes. The first byte is offset 1.

src_offset IN

Position in characters in the source CLOB where you want to begin conversion to the destination BLOB. The first character is offset 1.

src_offset OUT

Position in characters in the source CLOB after the conversion operation completes. The first character is offset 1.


Character set ID of the converted destination BLOB.

lang_context IN

Language context for the conversion. The default value of 0 is typically used for this setting.

lang_context OUT

Language context after the conversion completes.


0 if the conversion was successful, 1 if a character can't be converted.