The DBMS_XMLDOM package implements Document Object Model (DOM) and is used to create DOM documents from scratch or from an XML document.

EDB Postgres Advanced Server's implementation of DBMS_XMLDOM is a partial implementation when compared to Oracle's version. Only the functions and procedures listed in the tables that follow are supported.


The DBMS_XMLDOM package implements the following types.

Type nameDescription
DOMNodeIt implements the DOM Node interface.
DOMNodeListIt implements the DOM NodeList interface.
DOMElementIt implements the DOM Element interface.
DOMTextIt implements the DOM Text interface.
DOMDocumentIt implements the DOM Document interface.


This table lists the subprograms available with the DBMS_XMLDOM package.

SubprogramTypeReturn typeDescription
APPENDCHILDFunctionDOMNodeAppends a new child to the node.
CREATEELEMENTFunctionDOMElementCreates an element.
CREATETEXTNODEFunctionDOMTextCreates a text node.
FREEDOCUMENTProcedureN/AFrees the resources associated with the DOMDocument.
GETATTRIBUTEFunctionDOMElementRetrieves the attribute value given to an attribute name and returns VARCHAR2.
GETCHILDNODESFunctionDOMNodeListRetrieves the children of the node.
GETFIRSTCHILDFunctionDOMNodeRetrieves the first child of the node.
GETLENGTHFunctionPLS_INTEGERRetrieves the number of items in the given DOMNodeList.
GETNODENAMEFunctionVARCHAR2Retrieves the name of the node.
GETNODEVALUEFunctionVARCHAR2Retrieves the value of the node.
GETXMLTYPEFunctionXMLTYPEConverts DOMDocument to XMLType and returns it.
ITEMFunctionDOMNodeRetrieves the item from the given index in the NODELIST.
MAKEELEMENTFunctionDOMElementCasts the node to a DOMElement.
MAKENODEFunctionDOMNodeCasts the attribute to a node.
NEWDOMDOCUMENTFunctionDOMDocumentCreates a document.
SETATTRIBUTEProcedureN/ASets the attribute value of a DOMElement.
SETVERSIONProcedureN/ASets the version of the document.