The PG_NAMESPACE view describes namespaces, which are the structures underlying SQL schemas. Each namespace can have a separate collection of relations, types, and so forth without name conflicts.

In addition to the information in the PostgreSQL pg_namespace description, EDB Postgres Advanced Server provides the following information.

nspbodysrctextThe object identifier of the parent table
nspcompoundtriggerBooleanSpecifies whether this a compound trigger's package
nspforeignserveroidObject identifier of the foreign server where the foreign namespace resides
nspheadsrctextHeader for the package
nspobjecttypeoidObject identifier of the type to which this package belongs
nspparentoidObject identifier of the schema (namespace) of the package (0 for a regular schema)
nspremoteschematextName of the foreign namespace
nspsecdefBooleanSpecifies whether the namespace (package) is a security definer