view describes namespaces, which are the structures underlying SQL schemas. Each namespace can have a separate collection of relations, types, and so forth without name conflicts.
In addition to the information in the PostgreSQL pg_namespace description, EDB Postgres Advanced Server provides the following information.
Name | Type | Description |
nspbodysrc | text | The object identifier of the parent table |
nspcompoundtrigger | Boolean | Specifies whether this a compound trigger's package |
nspforeignserver | oid | Object identifier of the foreign server where the foreign namespace resides |
nspheadsrc | text | Header for the package |
nspobjecttype | oid | Object identifier of the type to which this package belongs |
nspparent | oid | Object identifier of the schema (namespace) of the package (0 for a regular schema) |
nspremoteschema | text | Name of the foreign namespace |
nspsecdef | Boolean | Specifies whether the namespace (package) is a security definer |