Migration Toolkit 55.8.0 release notes v55

Released: 16 May 2024

New features, enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes in Migration Toolkit 55.8.0 include:

EnhancementAdded the ability to automatically attempt to reconnect to the target database and resume or restart the data migration of the table that was being migrated when the connection was lost.
EnhancementMigration Toolkit now allows the migration of stored procedure objects from a source PostgreSQL to a target PostgreSQL database.
EnhancementThe exclude object capability (-exclude with a set of options) now supports excluding the subsets of Sequences, Procedures, Functions, Packages, Synonyms, and Queues from the migration.#99271 / 31314
EnhancementThe connection sessions initiated by Migration Toolkit are now identifiable with an application name. This facilitates the debugging of issues relevant to a source or target database.
EnhancementMigration Toolkit now logs the names of missing tables as part of the error message when one or more tables are missing from the source database.#98134 / 30362
Bug fixFixed an issue that caused migration failures for Oracle tables containing a numeric column with an empty default clause.#100987 / 32874
Bug fixFixed an issue whereby user-defined NOT NULL check constraints were skipped from migration.#102630 / 35543
Bug fixFixed an issue that caused migrations of MySQL tables with a JSON type column to fail.#102690 / 35550
Bug fixFixed an issue where data migration for a partition table fails with duplicate errors when table-level parallel loading is enabled (dataLoaderCount > 1).
Bug fixFixed the handling of the case-sensitive identifier when the entire MySQL table name is in upper case.