Using nested tables v8.0.5.1

EDB Postgres Advanced Server supports nested table collection types created with CREATE TYPE ... AS TABLE OF statements. The EDB .NET Connector supports output parameters declared as nested tables out of the box, whether free-standing types or declared inside packages.

Nested table types mapping

Nested table types are mapped to List<object>s in C#, as it is preferred over ArrayList. These lists contain as many elements as the nested table type's rows. The nested table items are translated to be compatible with the C# application using the following rules:

  • The connector resolves all nested table rows into a List<object> in C# while maintaining and converting each column's underlying type. For example, a [text1, text2, num1] row will be resolved as a [string, string, decimal] item in the list.

  • If the nested type IS TABLE OF a domain type (int, varchar, decimal, etc.), all the rows will be their C# counterpart according to the Supported Types and their Mappings.

  • If the nested type IS TABLE OF a record or composite type not mapped to a C# class, all rows become a nested List containing as many elements as the record or composite fields, with proper type translation.

  • If the nested type IS TABLE OF a record or composite type mapped to a C# class (for example, MyComposite), all rows will be MyComposite instances.

Example: Retrieving nested table output parameter

This program:

  • Creates a package with a nested emp_tbl_typ table type of emp_rec_typ. This package has a stored procedure that fills the nested table output parameter.

  • Maps the nested table type to a C# class via MapComposite<>.

  • Executes and displays the results.


Always provide type names in lowercase.

Program example

Create an empty console program and paste the following code.

internal static class Program
    const string ConnectionString = "your_connection_string";

    // Composite type, will be mapped to the nested table type
    // This will work if field types are convertible from database types
    public class Employee
        public decimal Number;
        public string? Name;

    public static void Sample_NestedTableTypes(string ConnectionString)
        var dataSourceBuilder = new EDBDataSourceBuilder(ConnectionString);

        using (var dataSource = dataSourceBuilder.Build())
            using (var connection = dataSource.OpenConnection())


                    var commandText = "pkgExtendTest.nestedTableExtendTest";
                    var cstmt = new EDBCommand(commandText, connection);
                    cstmt.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    var tableOfParam = cstmt.Parameters.Add(new EDBParameter()
                        Direction = ParameterDirection.Output,
                        DataTypeName = "pkgextendtest.emp_tbl_typ"


                    List<object>? employees = tableOfParam.Value as List<object>;
                    if (employees == null)
                        Console.WriteLine($"No employee found");

                    foreach (var employeeRecord in employees)
                        var employee = employeeRecord as Employee;
                        if (employee != null)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Employee {employee.Number}: {employee.Name}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}");

    // helper methods to create package and cleaning up  
    static void CreatePackage(EDBConnection connection)
        var createPackage = 
"                CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pkgExtendTest IS  \n" +
"                   TYPE emp_rec_typ IS RECORD (  \n" +
"                      empno  NUMBER(4),  \n" +
"                      ename       VARCHAR2(10)  \n" +
"                     ); \n" +
"                   TYPE emp_tbl_typ IS TABLE OF emp_rec_typ;  \n" +
"                   PROCEDURE nestedTableExtendTest(emp_tbl OUT emp_tbl_typ); \n" +
"                END pkgExtendTest; \n";
        using (var com = new EDBCommand(createPackage, connection) { CommandType = CommandType.Text })

        var createPackageBody = 
"                    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pkgExtendTest IS \n" +
"                    PROCEDURE nestedTableExtendTest(emp_tbl OUT emp_tbl_typ) IS \n" +
"                      DECLARE  \n" +
"                      CURSOR emp_cur IS SELECT empno, ename FROM emp WHERE ROWNUM <= 10 order by empno;  \n" +
"                      i  INTEGER := 0;  \n" +
"                    BEGIN \n" +
"                       emp_tbl := emp_tbl_typ();  \n" +
"                       FOR r_emp IN emp_cur LOOP  \n" +
"                          i := i + 1;  \n" +
"                          emp_tbl.EXTEND;  \n" +
"                          emp_tbl(i) := r_emp;  \n" +
"                       END LOOP;  \n" +
"                    END nestedTableExtendTest; \n" +
"                    END pkgExtendTest; \n";
        using (var com = new EDBCommand(createPackageBody, connection) { CommandType = CommandType.Text })


    static void Cleanup(EDBConnection connection)
        var dropPackageBody = "DROP PACKAGE BODY pkgExtendTest";
        var dropPackage = "DROP PACKAGE pkgExtendTest";

        using (var com = new EDBCommand(dropPackageBody, connection) { CommandType = CommandType.Text })
        using (var com = new EDBCommand(dropPackage, connection) { CommandType = CommandType.Text })

The output should look like this:

Employee 7499: ALLEN
Employee 7521: WARD
Employee 7566: JONES
Employee 7654: MARTIN
Employee 7698: BLAKE
Employee 7782: CLARK
Employee 7788: SCOTT
Employee 7839: KING
Employee 7844: TURNER
Employee 7876: ADAMS