Geometric types v17

POINTPoint on a plane, 16 bytes storage, represented as (x,y).
LINEInfinite line, 32 bytes storage, represented as {A,B,C}.
LSEGFinite line segment, 32 bytes storage, represented as ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)).
BOXRectangular box, 32 bytes storage, represented as ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)).
PATHClosed path (similar to polygon), 16 + 16n bytes storage, represented as ((x1,y1),...).
PATHOpen path, 16 + 16n bytes storage, represented as [(x1,y1),...].
POLYGONPolygon (similar to closed path), 40 + 16n bytes storage, represented as ((x1,y1),...).
CIRCLECircle, 24 bytes storage, represented as <(x,y),r> (center point and radius).


Geometric data types represent two-dimensional spatial objects.

For more information on geometric data types, see PostgreSQL docs.