Removing tables from a publication (removetablesfrompub) v7

The removetablesfrompub command removes tables from a publication.


-removetablesfrompub pubname
  -repsvrfile pubsvrfile
[ -tables schema_t1.table_1 [ schema_t2.table_2 ] ...]
[ -views schema_v1.view_1 [ schema_v2.view_2 ] ...]

See Removing tables from a publication for more information.


The schema names, table names, and view names that you supply as values for the tables and views parameters are case sensitive. Unless quoted identifiers were used to build the database objects, you must use uppercase letters for Oracle names (for example, EDB.DEPT) and lowercase letters for EDB Postgres Advanced Server names(for example edb.dept). See Quoted identifiers and default case translation for more information.



The name of the publication from which to remove tables or views.


The file containing the publication server login information.


The name of the schema containing the nth table of the tables parameter list. This value is case sensitive.


The name of the nth table in the tables parameter list. This value is case sensitive.


The name of the schema containing the nth view of the views parameter list. This value is case sensitive.


The name of the nth view in the views parameter list. This value is case sensitive.


This example removes the table edb.jobhist and view edb.salesemp from the analysts_managers publication.

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -removetablesfrompub analysts_managers \
>   -repsvrfile ~/pubsvrfile.prop \
>   -tables edb.jobhist \
>   -views edb.salesemp

Removing tables and views from publication `analysts_managers` ...

Tables and views removed successfully