Updating table filters in a publication (updatefilter) v7

The updatefilter command changes the filter clauses of the specified tables or views.


-updatefilter pubname
  –repsvrfile pubsvrfile
  [ "filterid_2:filterclause_2" ] ...

The next replication to any target subscriptions or non-MDN nodes on which these filter rules were enabled reflects the changes to the filter clauses.

See Table filters for more information.



The name of the publication in which to update the filter clauses.


The file containing the publication server login information.


Filter ID identifying the filter rule for which to change the filter clause. Use the printpubfilterslist command to get the filter IDs for the available filter rules in the publication (see Printing a list of filters in a publication).


The new filter clause to use.


This example modifies filter clause with filter ID 26 in publication analysts_managers.

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -updatefilter analysts_managers \
>   -repsvrfile ~/pubsvrfile.prop \
>   -tablesfilterclause "26:job = 'CLERK'"
Updating Filter(s)
Filter clause:[26:job = 'CLERK']
Filter(s) updated successfully.