Cleaning up shadow table history (cleanshadowhistforpub) v7

The cleanshadowhistforpub command deletes the shadow table history for the specified publication.


-cleanshadowhistforpub pubname
  –repsvrfile pubsvrfile
[ -mmrdbid dbid_1[,dbid_2 ] ...]

See Cleaning up shadow table history for more information.



The name of the publication whose shadow table history to delete.


The file containing the publication server login information.


For MMR only: The publication database ID of the primary node whose shadow table history to delete. This parameter is required for a multi-master replication system specifying one or more comma-separated publication database IDs. Don't include white space between the comma and publication database IDs.


This example deletes the shadow table history for publication dept_emp.

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -cleanshadowhistforpub dept_emp \
>   -repsvrfile ~/pubsvrfile.prop
Removing shadow table's transaction history ...

Shadow table's transaction history removed successfully.