Removing a publication (removepub) v7

The removepub command removes one or more publications.


-removepub pubname_1 [ pubname_2 ] ...
  –repsvrfile pubsvrfile
  -repgrouptype { m | s }
  [ -force ]

See Removing a publication for more information.



The name of a publication to remove.


The file containing the publication server login information.


Specify s if this command applies to a single-master replication system. Specify m if this command applies to a multi-master replication system.


Removes the publication even when one or more subscriptions are defined against the publication.


This example removes a publication named dept_emp from a single-master replication system.

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -removepub dept_emp \
>   -repsvrfile ~/pubsvrfile.prop -repgrouptype s

Removing publication...
Publication dept_emp unpublished successfully.

This example removes a publication named pub2 by using the -force option.

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -removepub pub2 -repsvrfile pubsvr.prop -repgrouptype s -force

Removing publication via force option (force option will remove the publication even when one or more subscriptions are defined against the publication)...
Publication pub2 unpublished successfully.