The ALL_TAB_PARTITIONS view provides information about all of the partitions that reside in the database.

table_ownerTEXTOwner of the table in which the partition resides.
schema_nameTEXTName of the schema in which the table resides.
table_nameTEXTName of the table.
compositeTEXTYES if the table is subpartitioned, NO if the table isn't subpartitioned.
partition_nameTEXTName of the partition.
subpartition_countBIGINTNumber of subpartitions in the partition.
high_valueTEXTHigh-partitioning value specified in the CREATE TABLE statement.
high_value_lengthINTEGERLength of high-partitioning value.
partition_positionINTEGEROrdinal position of this partition.
tablespace_nameTEXTName of the tablespace in which the partition resides. If the tablespace name isn't specified, the default tablespace is PG_DEFAULT.
pct_freeNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always 0.
pct_usedNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always 0.
ini_transNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always 0.
max_transNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always 0.
initial_extentNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always NULL.
next_extentNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always NULL.
min_extentNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always 0.
max_extentNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always 0.
pct_increaseNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always 0.
freelistsNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always NULL.
freelist_groupsNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always NULL.
loggingCHARACTER VARYING(7)Included only for compatibility. Always YES.
compressionCHARACTER VARYING(8)Included only for compatibility. Always NONE.
num_rowsNUMERICSame as pg_class.reltuples.
blocksINTEGERSame as pg_class.relpages.
empty_blocksNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always NULL.
avg_spaceNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always NULL.
chain_cntNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always NULL.
avg_row_lenNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always NULL.
sample_sizeNUMERICIncluded only for compatibility. Always NULL.
last_analyzedTIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONEIncluded only for compatibility. Always NULL.
buffer_poolCHARACTER VARYING(7)Included only for compatibility. Always NULL.
global_statsCHARACTER VARYING(3)Included only for compatibility. Always YES.
user_statsCHARACTER VARYING(3)Included only for compatibility. Always NO.
backing_tableREGCLASSName of the partition backing table.