Patroni cluster management commands v23

You can use Patroni as a single-master failover manager with the M1 architecture using the following command options:

tpaexec configure cluster_name -a M1 --enable-patroni --postgresql 14

You can also use Patroni as a failover manager by setting the following config.yml option:

  failover_manager: patroni

If deploying to RedHat, you must also add the PGDG repository to your yum repository list in config.yml:

  - PGDG

TPA configure adds 3 etcd nodes and 2 haproxy nodes. Etcd is used for the Distributed Configuration Store (DCS). Patroni supports other DCS backends, but they aren't currently supported by EDB or TPA.

TPA uses Patroni's feature of converting an existing PostgreSQL standalone server. This mechanism allows for TPA to initialize and manage configuration. Once a single PostgreSQL server and database is created, Patroni creates replicas and configures replication. TPA then removes any Postgres configuration files used during setup.

Once this is set up, you can continue to manage Postgres using TPA and settings in config.yml for the cluster. You can also use Patroni interfaces, such as the command line patronictl and the REST API, but we recommend using TPA methods wherever possible.

Configuration options

You can use these configuration variables to control certain behaviors when deploying Patroni in TPA.

VariableDefault valueDescription
patroni_super_userpostgresUser to create in Postgres for superuser role.
patroni_replication_userreplicatorUsername to create in Postgres for replication role.
patroni_restapi_userpatroniUsername to configure for the Patroni REST API.
patroni_rewind_userrewindUsername to create in postgres for pg_rewind function.
patroni_installation_methodpkgInstall Patroni from packages or source (for example, Git repo or local source directory if Docker).
patroni_ssl_enablednoWhether to enable SSL for REST API and ctl connection. Uses the cluster SSL cert and CA if available.
patroni_rewind_enabledyesWhether to enable Postgres rewind; creates a user defined by patroni_rewind_user and adds config section.
patroni_watchdog_enablednoWhether to configure the kernel watchdog for additional split-brain prevention.
patroni_dcsetcdThe backend to use for the DCS. Currently, the only option is etcd.
patroni_listen_port8008REST API TCP port number.
patroni_conf_settings{}A structured data object with overrides for Patroni configuration.
Partial data can be provided and will be merged with the generated config.
Be careful to not override values that are generated based on instance information known at runtime.
patroni_dynamic_conf_settings{}Optional structured data just for DCS settings. This will be merged onto patroni_conf_settings.
patroni_repl_max_lagNoneThis is used in the haproxy backend health check only when haproxy_read_only_load_balancer_enabled is true.
See REST API documentation for possible values for /replica?lag.

Patroni configuration file settings

Configuration for Patroni is built from three layers, starting with defaults set by the Patroni daemon, config loaded from the DCS, and finally from local configuration. The last can be controlled from either configuration file and overrides by way of the environment. TPA controls the configuration file, and values are built up in this order.

DCS config to be sent to the API and stored in the bootstrap section of the config file:

  • TPA vars for postgres are loaded into the DCS settings. See Some features aren't supported. See notes that follow.
  • Patroni defaults for DCS settings.
  • User-supplied defaults in patroni_dynamic_conf_settings. If you want to override any DCS settings, you can do that here.

Local config stored in the YAML configuration file:

  • bootstrap.dcs loaded from previous steps.
  • Configuration enabled by feature flags, such as patroni_ssl_enabled. See the table in Configuration options.
  • Then, finally, overloaded from user-supplied settings, the patroni_conf_settings option. If you want to change or add a configuration not controlled by a feature flag, then this is the best place to do it.

Configuration is merged on top of the configuration generated by TPA from cluster information, such as IP addresses, port numbers, cluster roles, and so on. Use caution in what you override, as this might affect the stable operation of the cluster.

As Patroni stores all Postgres configuration in the DCS and controls how and when this is distributed to Postgres, some features of TPA are incompatible with Patroni:

  • You can't change the template used to generate postgresql.conf with the setting postgres_conf_template.
  • You can't change the location of Postgres config files with the setting postgres_conf_dir.

Patroni configuration in TPA config.yml

You can override single values:

        ttl: 120

You can also override full blocks (with an example from Patroni documentation):

        'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN'
        'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block'
        'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff'
        'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains'

If you want to negate a value or section that's present in the default TPA config vars, you can set the value to null. This causes Patroni to ignore this section when loading the config file.

For example, the default TPA config for log is:

  dir: /var/log/patroni

To turn off logging, add this to config.yml:

    log: null

TPA provides this minimal set of tools for managing Patroni clusters.


To see the current status of the TPA cluster according to Patroni, run:

tpaexec status cluster_name


To perform a switchover to a replica node (for example, to perform maintenance) run:

tpaexec switchover cluster_name <new_primary>

The new_primary argument must be the name of an existing cluster node that's currently running as a healthy replica. Checks are performed to ensure this is true before a switchover is performed.

Once a switchover has been performed, we recommend that you run deploy and test to ensure a healthy cluster:

tpaexec deploy cluster_name
tpaexec test cluster_name

TPA detects the current role of nodes during deploy regardless of what config.yml contains, for example, if a different node is the leader.