U.K. Modern Slavery Act - Statement
This Statement is made by EnterpriseDB UK Limited (“EnterpriseDB”) pursuant to section 54(1) of the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets forth steps that EnterpriseDB takes to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place within our business supply chain.
1. Organization
EnterpriseDB provides enterprise-class software and services that enable organizations to harness the full power of Postgres, the world’s leading open source database. With offices worldwide, EDB serves more than 1,500 customers, including leading financial services, government, media and communications and information technology organizations. As one of the leading contributors to the vibrant and fast-growing Postgres community, EDB is committed to driving technology innovation. With deep database expertise, EDB ensures high availability, reliability, security, 24x7 global support and advanced professional services, both on premises and in the cloud. This empowers enterprises to control risk, manage costs and scale efficiently. For more information, visit www.enterprisedb.com.
2. Our Values
EnterpriseDB is committed to respecting the human rights and dignity of all persons, and we support international efforts to promote and protect human rights, particularly with respect to child labor, human trafficking or forced labor. We do not tolerate any abuse of human rights in our operations nor in our supply chain.
3. Supply Chains
We expect our suppliers and their supply chain to comply fully with all applicable laws and regulations in the conduct of their business. We are requiring suppliers to follow lawful and ethical business practices and act in a manner that is consistent with our Core Beliefs and with the principles set forth in our Supplier Code of Conduct, which is an extension of EnterpriseDB’s own Code of Business Conduct and Ethics applicable to its employees and officers globally.
EnterpriseDB has a robust supplier onboarding process to identify suppliers that may pose a risk in our supply chain. Going forward, suppliers will be required to confirm their compliance or, if appropriate, to provide us with their own UK Modern Slavery Act statement, which sets out the steps they have taken to ensure that slavery and/or human trafficking is not taking place in any of their supply chains or in any part of their business.
EnterpriseDB’s current standard supplier clauses include provisions that require suppliers to comply with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and ethical standards.
We are requiring our suppliers to notify us of any violations of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
4. Reporting
Employees and Suppliers are encouraged to report to Legal or Human Resources any good-faith suspicion of unethical or unlawful behavior in our supply chains without fear of retaliation. Reported incidents are investigated and documented to improve internal policies and processes.
5. Training, Updates and Communication
EnterpriseDB’s Supplier Code of Conduct and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics are updated and distributed annually to all staff, who must confirm their understanding of applicable company policies. In addition, EnterpriseDB is in the process of expanding its virtual training to cover additional policies referenced in this statement.
This statement has been approved by the Board of EnterpriseDB UK Limited on June 20, 2022.