White Papers

White paper

High Availability & Disaster Recovery of PostgreSQL Databases with EDB and Red Hat OpenShift

With the combined power of Red Hat OpenShift and EDB PG4K, you can run your PostgreSQL business-critical databases with prime RPO and RTO goals in a cloud-native environment. Learn more in this reference architecture.

An Overview and Comparison of ISO 27001 and SOC 2 Standards

In today’s ever-changing digital landscape, organizations face increasing challenges in managing and securing sensitive information. Two widely recognized standards that address these concerns are ISO 27001 and SOC 2. While both primarily focus on information security, they have distinct scopes,…

EDB Postgres AI Use Cases

Learn how operators, engineers, and developers can solve key challenges with EDB Postgres AI, the first intelligent data platform for unified management of transactional, analytical, and AI workloads — powered by Postgres.

EDB on Supermicro Benchmark Report

EDB’s expertly tuned Postgres on Supermicro server systems delivered 6x the transaction throughput at peak level versus the standard installation of community Postgres. It also enabled up to 90% better value versus Amazon EC2. Read the report for more details about the methodology and results.

Replacing Oracle with Postgres: How To Successfully Migrate Your Legacy Databases

While replacing Oracle with Postgres can yield cost reductions of upward of 80%, agility, innovation, microservices, and the move to the cloud have recently emerged as the dominant drivers. Oracle is the #1 legacy database, and its extremely onerous license policies are driving the majority of…

EDB RDBA Security

This white paper provides an overview of the EDB Remote Database Administration (RDBA) security stance and the approach toward our customers.

How EDB Can Help Organizations Along Their Zero Trust Journey

The move toward a Zero Trust model is a significant shift in cybersecurity strategy that emphasizes continuous verification and strict access controls, and the executive order is seen as a critical step toward enhancing the security of federal networks and data.

EDB Postgres AI: How to Reduce Your TCO and Improve Postgres Performance on AWS

Best-of-breed solutions such as EDB Postgres AI offer a managed service capability similar to RDS and Aurora, while also supporting multi-cloud and hybrid strategies and offering fine-tuned performance and cost-efficiency. This whitepaper serves as a guide for technology leaders who want to take a…

Intelligent Data: Unleashing AI with PostgreSQL

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world and changing how information is captured, processed, stored, analyzed, and used. Understanding the terminology, the different types of AI, and how the technology works is critical for leveraging its strengths and capabilities for driving…

Slash Your Database Costs And Boost IT Efficiency With EDB Postgres

This Whitepaper shares our expert tips for TCO reduction to help achieve your business goals. We know that rising IT costs are on the list of many organizations’ most pressing challenges across numerous industries. For these organizations, managing total cost of ownership (TCO) is still a priority…

Oracle Migration to Postgres

In this whitepaper, we’ll walk you through EDB’s end-to-end methodology to migrate databases from Oracle to Postgres. Organizations focused on digital transformation know that migrating off of legacy databases, and especially off of Oracle databases, is essential for achieving your business goals.…

Cloud Database Migration Essentials for Financial Services Firms

The financial services industry is undergoing fundamental change driven by heightened regulatory requirements, increasingly demanding customer expectations, competition from non-traditional financial services sectors and rapidly evolving technology capabilities.

The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Your TCO with EDB Postgres

Business leaders are constantly searching for ways to minimize expenses and optimize the total cost of ownership (TCO) of their technology. One way is by taking a good hard look at their database and database software. This eBook walks through how CIOs and CTOs are successfully decreasing TCO…

4 Ways to Reduce your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) with EDB Postgres

Minimizing the expenses associated with conducting business operations is a key objective for any enterprise that seeks to enhance its profitability, particularly for technology-oriented establishments. CIOs and CTOs are tasked with defining processes that reduce TCO and ultimately generate cost…

How to Transcend Cost Unpredictability, Vendor Lock-in and Inflexibility with Postgres and EDB: 3 Must-Read Success Stories

See how three leading organizations today are escaping legacy databases and using EDB’s migration tools and support to break free from restrictive legacy databases, increase performance, accelerate innovation, and decrease TCO.

The CIO’s Guide to Operational Resiliency in Financial Services: 3-Step Approach to Strengthen Your Database

In today’s rapidly evolving, data-driven world, C-level executives in banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) are under tremendous pressure to ensure their database systems are operating as they should be. Download this eBook to discover how database stability and resiliency are helping…

Accelerate Government’s Zero Trust Journey with EDB Postgres

What is the Zero Trust model, why is it so important for pubic sector organizations, and how can your organization accelerate your strategy? Download this eBook to learn about how EDB Postgres is designed to support a Zero Trust model and how you can enhance security and control over your sensitive…

Liberate Your Data from Oracle: Moving from On-Premises to the Cloud

EDB BigAnimal Buying Guide

Learn more about how to get started with the only distributed, fully managed, Oracle-compatible Postgres database—available on every cloud–in this BigAnimal buying guide.

The Profitability Impact of Self-Supported Postgres

In this eBook, explore the factors to consider in your support decision and gain a better understanding of how your support strategy can impact your bottom line and mitigate risk.

Government’s Guide to Operational Resiliency: 3-Part Plan to Strengthen Your Database

Your government organization needs to prioritize operational resiliency in every single one of your endeavors and initiatives. In this eBook, we’ll show you how to harness the full power of Postgres to ensure you achieve full operational resiliency in just 3 easy steps.

London & Partners Executes a Multi-Version Postgres Upgrade While Migrating to the Cloud

London and Partners is a social enterprise funded by the Mayor of London and commercial partners and a portfolio of venture businesses, and the first organization to bring together tourism and convention outreach. Having used PostgreSQL for 17 years, they knew just what the database could achieve.…

Security Best Practices for PostgreSQL

This white paper presents a framework and a series of recommendations to secure and protect a PostgreSQL database. We discuss a layered security model that addresses physical security, network security, host access control, database access management, and data security.

In che modo la migrazione da Oracle a Postgres trasforma le aziende: 3 storie di successo da leggere

In questo e-book troverai tre storie di successo di aziende clienti di EDB che hanno abbandonato il precedente database, modernizzato le proprie infrastrutture, e sperimentato direttamente il pieno potenziale di Postgres.

ESG Technical Validation of EDB BigAnimal

Read this report to learn how BigAnimal, minimizes deployment and management time of Postgres databases, maximizes uptime using Postgres Distributed, a "near-zero downtime" option and simplifies Oracle migrations to Postgres in the cloud, using the complete suite of EDB migration tools.