Infor Takes Postgres Deeper into the Enterprise

April 18, 2014

Postgres had a defining day this week.

Infor announced Wednesday it has collaborated with EnterpriseDB and Red Hat to deliver its Infor LN solution on an open technology stack. This enables massively better economics and an expanded ability to move fluidly between on-premise and cloud deployments.

This kind of news is always easy to miss in the flood of headlines every day.  And from the outside looking in, it's hard to tell from partnership press releases which ones have real substance and which ones are just noise.

With a view from the inside of this news looking out, I can tell you that this was perhaps one of the more important milestones for Postgres in recent memory. With this move, Infor and EnterpriseDB have brought Postgres deeper into the heart of IT and the data center and changed the price-performance landscape for ERP.

To put a finer point on it, for existing LN customers, they can save 80% of the underlying infrastructure software cost with this open platform.  90% of that savings comes from the Postgres Plus database.

And Infor’s certification assures users that Postgres Plus can power the most essential applications and workloads in IT.  That’s the substance of this news, which will come to be seen as a major milestone for Postgres.

Ed Boyajian is CEO and President of EnterpriseDB.

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