Tips for PostgreSQL Query Optimization: EXPLAIN ANALYZE

September 18, 2024

Learn performance tuning techniques to improve database operations

With many people working from home because of the coronavirus pandemic, it can be a little challenging to get help from a colleague remotely. Sure, there’s Slack and all manner of collaboration tools, but it’s not quite the same as walking up to someone’s cubicle and getting a second pair of eyes to look at a problem, not to mention that our co-workers might be busy trying to juggle deadlines and unruly kids at home. When it comes to dealing with poor database and query performance, it’s a daunting task to venture into the dark cavern of query planning and optimization, but fear not! EXPLAIN is our friend in those dark and lonely places.

We recently received a request from one of our customers, concerned about a slow query on one of their JSON columns. They were seeing a slow performance in their development environments and were understandably worried about the impact they’d see if they went to production with poor query performance. We got right to work to help them out, and our first stone to turn over was to have them send us their EXPLAIN ANALYZE output for the query, which yielded:

postgres=# explain SELECT * FROM org where 'aa'::text IN (SELECT jsonb_array_elements(info -> 'dept') ->> 'name');

              QUERY PLAN


Seq Scan on org (cost=0.00..719572.55 rows=249996 width=1169)

   Filter: (SubPlan 1)

   SubPlan 1

   -> Result (cost=0.00..2.27 rows=100 width=32)

      -> ProjectSet (cost=0.00..0.52 rows=100 width=32)

         -> Result (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=0)

They knew they had created an index and were curious why it wasn’t used. Our next data point to gather was information about the index itself, and it turned out they had created their index like so:

CREATE INDEX idx_org_dept ON org ((info -> 'dept'::text) ->> 'name'::text));

Their query was wrapping info -> 'dept' in a function called jsonb_array_elements(), which led the query optimizer to think it shouldn’t use the index. The fix was simple; we got the customer back on their way after a quick adjustment to their query. Once the customer changed their query to the following, the index started getting scanned:

postgres=# SELECT * FROM org where 'aa'::text IN (info -> 'dept' ->> 'name');

postgres=# explain SELECT * FROM organization where 'aa'::text IN (info -> 'dept' ->> 'name'); 

         QUERY PLAN


  Index Scan using idx_org_dept on org (cost=0.42..8.44 rows=1 width=1169)

      Index Cond: ('aa'::text = ((info -> 'dept'::text) ->> 'name'::text))

(2 rows)

Using EXPLAIN in troubleshooting can, therefore, be invaluable.

What is EXPLAIN?

EXPLAIN is a keyword that gets prepended to a query to show a user how the query optimizer plans to execute this query. Depending on the complexity of the query, it will show the join strategy, method of extracting data from tables, estimated rows involved in executing the query, and other useful information. Used with ANALYZE, EXPLAIN will also show the time spent executing the query, sorts, and merges that couldn’t be done in-memory, and more. This information is invaluable when identifying query performance bottlenecks and opportunities and helps us understand what information the query optimizer uses to make its decisions for us.

PostgreSQL Query Optimization: A Cost-Based Approach

All data on the disk is the same to the query optimizer. Determining the fastest way to reach a particular piece of data requires estimating the time it takes to do a full table scan, a merge of two tables, and other operations to get data back to the user. PostgreSQL accomplishes this by assigning costs to each execution task, and these values are derived from the postgresql.conf file (see parameters ending in *_cost or beginning with enable_*). When a query is sent to the database, the query optimizer calculates the cumulative costs for different execution strategies and selects the most optimal plan (which may not necessarily be the one with the lowest cost).

bash $ pgbench -i && psql


postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM pgbench_accounts a JOIN pgbench_branches b ON ( WHERE a.aid  100000;

               QUERY PLAN


   Nested Loop (cost=0.00..4141.00 rows=99999 width=461)

     Join Filter: ( =

     -> Seq Scan on pgbench_branches b (cost=0.00..1.01 rows=1 width=364)

     -> Seq Scan on pgbench_accounts a (cost=0.00..2890.00 rows=99999 width=97)

       Filter: (aid  100000) (5 rows)

The seq scan on pgbench_accounts costs 2890 to execute the task. Where does this value come from? If we look at some settings and do the calculations, we find:

cost = ( #blocks * seq_page_cost ) + ( #records * cpu_tuple_cost ) + ( #records * cpu_filter_cost )

postgres=# select pg_relation_size('pgbench_accounts');




block_size    = 8192    (8kB, typical OS)

#blocks    = 1640 (relation_size / block_size)

#records    = 100000

seq_page_cost    = 1 (default)

cpu_tuple_cost    = 0.01 (default)

cpu_filter_cost    = 0.0025 (default)

cost = ( 1640 * 1 ) + ( 100000 * 0.01 ) + ( 100000 * 0.0025 ) = 2890

The costs are directly based on internal statistics with which the query optimizer can work.

A Note About Statistics in PostgreSQL Query Optimization

The query optimizer calculates costs based on statistics stored in pg_statistic. However, this data is not presented in a human-readable format, so it’s not useful for direct examination. For better visibility into the table and row statistics, try looking at pg_stats.

Suppose any of these internal statistics are off (i.e., a bloated table or too many joins that cause the genetic query optimizer to kick in). In that case, a sub-optimal plan may be selected, leading to poor query performance. Having bad statistics isn’t necessarily a problem; they aren’t always updated in real-time, and much of it depends on PostgreSQL’s internal maintenance. So, database maintenance must be conducted regularly, which means frequent VACUUM-ing and ANALYZE-ing.

Without good statistics, you could end up with something like this:

postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM pgbench_history WHERE aid  100;

         QUERY PLAN


Seq Scan on pgbench_history (cost=0.00..2346.00 rows=35360 width=50)

   Filter: (aid  100)

The database went through a fair amount of activity, and the statistics are inaccurate. With an ANALYZE (not VACUUM ANALYZE or EXPLAIN ANALYZE, just ANALYZE), the statistics are fixed, and the query optimizer now chooses an index scan:

postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM pgbench_history WHERE aid  100;

        QUERY PLAN


 Index Scan using foo on pgbench_history (cost=0.42..579.09 rows=153 width=50)

   Index Cond: (aid  100)

How Does EXPLAIN ANALYZE Help Performance Tuning?

When an EXPLAIN is prepended to a query, the query plan gets printed, but the query is not run. As a result, we can't ascertain whether the statistics stored in the database are accurate, nor can we determine if certain operations necessitated costly I/O instead of executing entirely in memory. When used with ANALYZE, the query is run, and the query plan and some under-the-hood activity are printed out.

If we look at the first query above and run EXPLAIN ANALYZE instead of EXPLAIN, we get:

postgres=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM pgbench_accounts a JOIN pgbench_branches b ON ( WHERE a.aid  100000;

         QUERY PLAN


Nested Loop (cost=0.00..4141.00 rows=99999 width=461) (actual time=0.039..56.582 rows=99999 loops=1)

Join Filter: ( =

-> Seq Scan on pgbench_branches b (cost=0.00..1.01 rows=1 width=364) (actual time=0.025..0.026 rows=1 loops=1)

-> Seq Scan on pgbench_accounts a (cost=0.00..2890.00 rows=99999 width=97) (actual time=0.008..25.752 rows=99999 loops=1)

    Filter: (aid  100000)

    Rows Removed by Filter: 1

Planning Time: 0.306 ms

Execution Time: 61.031 ms

(8 rows)

There’s more information: actual time and rows, as well as planning and execution times. If we add BUFFERS, like EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS), we’ll get cache hit/miss statistics in the output:

postgres=# EXPLAIN (BUFFERS, ANALYZE) SELECT * FROM pgbench_accounts a JOIN pgbench_branches b ON ( WHERE a.aid  100000;



 Nested Loop (cost=0.00..4141.00 rows=99999 width=461) (actual time=0.039..56.582 rows=99999 loops=1)

  Join Filter: ( =

  Buffers: shared hit=3 read=1638

  -> Seq Scan on pgbench_branches b (cost=0.00..1.01 rows=1 width=364) (actual time=0.025..0.026 rows=1 loops=1)

   Buffers: shared hit=1

  -> Seq Scan on pgbench_accounts a (cost=0.00..2890.00 rows=99999 width=97) (actual time=0.008..25.752 rows=99999 loops=1)

    Filter: (aid  100000)

    Rows Removed by Filter: 1

    Buffers: shared hit=2 read=1638

Planning Time: 0.306 ms

Execution Time: 61.031 ms

(8 rows) 

EXPLAIN can be a valuable tool for people looking to understand their database performance behaviors.

A Quick Review of Scan Types and Joins for Performance Tuning

Every join type and scan type has its time and place. Some people look for the term “sequential scan” in fear, not considering if it’s worthwhile to access data another way. Take, for example, a table with two rows – it would not make sense to the query optimizer to scan the index and then go back and retrieve data from the disk when it could just scan the table and pull data out without touching the index. In this case, and for most small tables, doing a sequential scan would be more efficient.

To review the join and scan types that PostgreSQL works with:

Scan Types

Sequential scan

  • A brute-force retrieval from disk
  • Scans the whole table
  • Fast for small tables

Index scan

  • Scans all/some rows in an index; looks up rows in heap
  • Causes random seek, which can be costly for old-school spindle-based disks
  • Faster than a sequential scan when extracting a small number of rows for large tables

Index only scan

  • Scans all/some rows in the index
  • No need to look up rows in the table because the values we want are already stored in the index itself

Bitmap heap scan

  • Scans index, building a bitmap of pages to visit
  • Looks up only relevant pages in the table for desired rows

Join Types

Nested loops

  • Scans for matching rows in the inner table for each row in the outer table
  • Fast to start, best for small tables

Merge join

  • Zipper operation on _sorted_ data sets
  • Good for large tables
  • High startup cost if an additional sort is required

Hash join

  • Builds hash of inner table values, scans outer table for matches
  • Only usable for equality conditions
  • High startup cost but fast execution

Again, every scan type and join type has its place. It’s important that the query optimizer has good statistics to work with.

EXPLAIN could help identify things like:

  • Inaccurate statistics leading to poor join/scan choices
  • Maintenance activity (VACUUM and ANALYZE) not being aggressive enough
  • Corrupted indexes requiring a REINDEX
  • Index definition vs. query mismatch
  • work_mem being set too low, preventing in-memory sorts and joins
  • Poor performance due to join order listing when writing a query
  • Improper ORM configuration

EXPLAIN is one of the most invaluable tools for PostgreSQL, saving lots of time.

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What is performance tuning in PostgreSQL? chevron_right

Performance tuning in PostgreSQL is optimizing the database’s performance and efficiency by adjusting various configuration parameters. This involves fine-tuning settings related to memory usage, CPU allocation, disk I/O, and query execution to ensure the database operates at its best. Effective performance tuning can significantly enhance query performance, reduce latency, and improve the overall responsiveness of applications that rely on the PostgreSQL database.

How can I improve my PostgreSQL performance? chevron_right

Improving PostgreSQL performance can be achieved through several methods:

  • Optimizing configuration settings: Adjust parameters such as shared_buffers, work_mem, maintenance_work_mem, and effective_cache_size to better match your system's resources and workload requirements.
  • Indexing: Create appropriate indexes on frequently queried columns to speed up data retrieval.
  • Query optimization: Use EXPLAIN and ANALYZE to understand and optimize slow-running queries.
  • Regular maintenance: Run VACUUM and ANALYZE commands regularly to keep statistics up-to-date and reclaim space from deleted rows.
  • Hardware upgrades: Ensure that your hardware resources (CPU, memory, storage) are sufficient to handle your database load.
How to run long-running queries in PostgreSQL? chevron_right

To efficiently run long-running queries in PostgreSQL, consider the following:

  • Use proper indexes: Ensure that indexes are in place to speed up data retrieval.
  • Optimize queries: Break complex queries into smaller, more manageable parts or use common table expressions (CTEs) for better readability and performance.
  • Increase work_mem: Adjust the work_mem parameter to provide more memory for complex operations like sorts and joins, but do so cautiously to avoid excessive memory consumption.
  • Partition large tables: Use table partitioning to divide large tables into smaller, more manageable pieces.
  • Monitor and kill expensive queries: Use pg_stat_activity to monitor running queries and terminate those consuming excessive resources.
How to tune work_mem in PostgreSQL? chevron_right

Tuning work_mem in PostgreSQL involves setting the parameter to an appropriate value based on your workload and available memory:

  1. Determine the typical complexity of your queries and memory required for operations like sorting and hashing.
  2. Calculate the appropriate value. Start with a moderate value, such as 4MB to 16MB, and adjust based on performance observations. You might increase this value for complex queries but be cautious of the total memory usage across all concurrent sessions.
  3. Adjust the configuration file: Modify the work_mem setting in the postgresql.conf file or set it per session using: SET work_mem = '32MB';
  4. Monitor performance: Observe the impact of changes on query performance and system memory usage.
How can I monitor the effects of tuning on my database? chevron_right

To monitor the effects of tuning on your PostgreSQL database, utilize the following tools and techniques:

  • pg_stat_statements: This extension provides detailed statistics on query performance, allowing you to track changes in execution times and resource usage.
  • EXPLAIN and ANALYZE: Use these commands to analyze query execution plans and understand how tuning changes affect performance.
  • Performance monitoring tools: Tools like pgAdmin, Prometheus, and Grafana can help visualize performance metrics and trends over time.
  • System metrics: Monitor system-level metrics such as CPU usage, memory consumption, and disk I/O to understand the broader impact of tuning changes.
  • Logs and reports: Review PostgreSQL logs and reports generated by tools like pgBadger to identify performance bottlenecks and the effectiveness of tuning adjustments.
What tools should I use to monitor PostgreSQL performance? chevron_right

Top tools include Datadog, pgAdmin, Prometheus, Zabbix, SolarWinds, pgBadger, Pganalyze, and Percona Monitoring and Management. Choosing the right tool depends on your monitoring needs, the complexity of your database environment, and the level of detail you need in performance insights.

What are some common performance issues I should look for when monitoring PostgreSQL? chevron_right

The following are typical performance issues:

  • Slow queries: This can consume excessive resources and increase response times.
  • Connection problems: There are too many active connections and connection leaks.
  • Transaction delays: Long transaction durations can lead to resource locking.
  • High disk I/O: There is inefficient disk management or overutilization.
  • Memory bottlenecks: This can be due to insufficient cache sizes or a low buffer cache hit ratio.
  • Locking issues: Locks can prevent concurrent transactions from accessing the same data.
What is a query optimizer? chevron_right

Query optimizers assess multiple potential query plans based on their resource costs, including factors such as disk reads and server memory.

What are some common challenges faced by query optimizers? chevron_right

The following are some common challenges:

  • The complexity of the queries: Complex queries often involve multiple joins, subqueries, and nested operations.
  • Inaccurate statistics: The query optimizer might choose a suboptimal plan when statistics are outdated or inaccurate.
  • Parameterized queries: The selectivity of query predicates may vary with different parameter values.
  • Optimization time costs: Spending too long searching for the best plan may lead to bottlenecks.
  • Handling of varying workloads: Optimizers should be able to adapt to unpredictable workloads and varying query patterns.
What are the common mistakes to avoid when tuning PostgreSQL performance? chevron_right

The following are some common mistakes:

  • Over-tuning settings: Adjusting parameters without adequate benchmarks can lead to resource contention.
  • Neglecting performance monitoring: Regularly assess key metrics such as query execution times and memory usage.
  • Mismanaging connections: Setting the max_connections parameter too high, for instance, can increase overhead.
  • Ignoring query optimization: Poorly constructed queries can lead to increased resource usage.
  • Underestimating maintenance tasks: Adjustments to autovacuum settings, for instance, can help control bloat.

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