I spent a couple of days in São Paulo, Brazil last week, for the top-notch PGConf.Brazil 2018 experience. This year I gave a talk about improvements in the declarative partitioning area in the upcoming PostgreSQL 11 release — a huge step forward from what PostgreSQL 10 offers. We have some new features, some DDL handling enhancements, and some performance improvements, all worth checking out.
I’m told that the organization is going to publish video recordings at some point; for the time being, here’s my talk slides.
I’m very happy that they invited me to talk once again in Brazil. I had a great time there, even if they won’t allow me to give my talk in Spanish! Like every time I go there, I regret it once it’s time to come home, because it’s so easy to feel at home with the Brazilian gang. Next time, I promise I’ll make time for Sunday’s churrasco.
For our amusement, they posted a teaser video to share the community conference spirit.