Remote DBA Service: Powering Your DBA Needs

The EDB Remote DBA Service allows companies to accelerate Postgres deployment, either on-prem or in the cloud, while reducing risk, saving money, and driving faster growth.

This webinar will cover all the benefits of using the Remote DBA Service, including:

  • Around-the-Clock Assurance
  • Comprehensive and proactive database management
  • 24x7x365 monitoring and reporting
  • Experienced and certified Postgres DBAs
  • Cost-effective staff augmentation

Premium Database Management

  • Designated Technical Lead assigned to each account
  • Establishment of an HA infrastructure & DR planning
  • Scalability advice & data tuning
  • Capacity planning & analysis, including projections on database growth

Responsive, Affordable, and Reliable

  • Ensure Postgres databases are running at peak performance, 24x7
  • Cost-effective, experienced Postgres experts delivering 24x7x365 service
  • Utilizing enterprise tools for monitoring, abiding by database resiliency requirements


Webinar video:



Webinar slides: