Tom Rieger

Senior Sales Engineer, EDB

Tom Rieger is a Senior Sales Engineer based in Minnetonka, Minnesota USA. He focuses on helping clients realize how to take advantage of modern hardware platforms and data platforms to increase capabilities/innovation and greatly decrease cost. At EDB, Tom has been on the forefront in defining and identifying how clients can realize that innovation and decreased cost across cloud vendors (AWS, Azure and GCP). Tom has been in enterprise computing over 35 years as a change-agent developing and working closely with clients to bring greater innovation and a reduced TCO. Rather it was moving workloads off a mainframe to open-systems or the most recent move into 'a cloud', he has been involved with some of the largest organizations in the world. 

In his role at EDB he works on developing and evolving how to measure multiple database platforms to identify what 'optimal' looks using a consistent workload based on the TPC benchmark, all the while identifying a true view of total-cost and price/performance.

Tom has been a lifelong golfer who has won 4 long-drive competitions.