EDB Tutorial: Achieving High Availability Using Enterprise Failover Manager

April 18, 2023

High availability is one of the key drivers of Postgres adoption. However, taking full advantage of its benefits requires ensuring that your Postgres database can safely and efficiently failover in case of an outage.

Enterprise Failover Manager (EFM) is a tool for managing Postgres database clusters, enabling high availability of primary-standby deployment architectures using streaming replication. Failover Manager provides a Postgres primary database node automatic failover to a standby database node in the event of a software or hardware failure.

In this document, we considered one primary, one standby and a witness node in the EFM cluster as per below architecture.  In case there are more than one standby databases we may skip witness node.


Environment Details

OS Version CentOS
Java 1.8
PostgreSQL 14.4
EFM 4.4
Primary Server
Standby Server
Witness Server

Below are the few prerequisites for deployment of EDB's Enterprise Failover Manager (EFM) for achieving high availability, 

  1. Java environment to be setup on each server
  2. SMTP server to be running/port 25 to be opened for all servers to send mail notification in case of any change in setup, failure of node or failover.
  3. Allotment of Virtual IP(VIP) for making connection between Application and DB Server
  4. All the servers in EFM cluster must be in the same segment/VLAN
  5. Witness node of EFM for checking the heartbeat of DB servers/other EFM services and to avoid split brain syndrome. (optional if having two or more standby)
  6. EFM binaries to be installed on all database servers
  7. Setting up of Streaming Replication (between primary and standby)
  8. Entry to be made of all servers which are part of EFM cluster in pg_hba.conf file of each database server

In addition to the above architecture, there are other EDB supported architectures including pgPool/Pgbouncer for connection pooling and load balancing in on premise or cloud environments. Please refer to our documentation.


Setting up streaming replication

As per the given architecture, we need to setup streaming replication between and  We may use pg_basebackup to set up streaming replication.   Below command to be executed from the standby server.

bash-4.4$ /usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_basebackup -D /var/lib/pgsql/14/data/ -h -p 5432 -Xs -R -P

Where -D = data directory at standby server
-h  = IP address of primary server
-p = Port on which primary instance is running
-Xs = WAL method - stream
-P = Progress information
-R = Write configuration parameters for replication

Please refer to this article for more details for setting up streaming replication.

After setting up streaming replication, we may use pg_stat_replication on primary database instance to verify the replication status.

postgres=# select * from pg_stat_replication;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+---------------------------------
pid              | 53474
usesysid         | 10
usename          | postgres
application_name | walreceiver
client_addr      |
client_hostname  | 
client_port      | 40118
backend_start    | 2023-01-17 13:59:15.855432+05:30
backend_xmin     | 
state            | streaming
sent_lsn         | 0/ED000D00
write_lsn        | 0/ED000D00
flush_lsn        | 0/ED000D00
replay_lsn       | 0/ED000D00
write_lag        | 
flush_lag        | 
replay_lag       | 
sync_priority    | 0
sync_state       | async
reply_time       | 2023-01-17 14:08:11.229453+05:30


EFM installation and configuration

[root@lab1 ~]# yum install java edb-efm44
[root@lab1 ~]# chown efm:efm -R /etc/edb/efm-4.4
[root@lab1 ~]# echo 'export PATH=/usr/edb/efm-4.4/bin:$PATH' >> .bash_profile
[root@lab1 efm-4.4]# source ~/.bash_profile 
[root@lab1 ~]# cd /etc/edb/efm-4.4/
[root@lab1 ~]# cp efm.properties.in efm.properties
[root@lab1 ~]# cp efm.nodes.in efm.nodes
[root@lab1 efm-4.4]# ll
total 64
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 efm efm   199 Dec 12 16:23 efm.nodes
-rw-r--r--. 1 efm efm   139 Mar 19  2021 efm.nodes.in
-rw-r--r--. 1 efm efm 28145 Dec 12 16:21 efm.properties
-rw-r--r--. 1 efm efm 27859 Mar 19  2021 efm.properties.in


Generate the encrypted EFM password

[root@lab1 efm-4.4]# efm encrypt efm
This utility will generate an encrypted password for you to place in your
EFM cluster property file: /etc/edb/efm-4.4/efm.properties

Please enter the password and hit enter: 

Please enter the password again to confirm: 

The encrypted password is: d6cad98d315dfbda601139d2c1b49068

Please paste this into your efm.properties file

Below are the most common parameters which need to be defined in the efm.properties file based on your environment. efm.properties file should be identical across all database servers except the parameter bind.address which should be specific to the server.




ping.server.command=/bin/ping -q -c3 -w5


For the Witness server, we may skip database related(db.*) parameters and need to enable the below parameter:


We need to make changes in the efm.nodes file by including IP addresses and port of all servers which are part of the EFM cluster.  Below is the sample file.

[root@lab1 efm-4.4]# cat efm.nodes
# List of node address:port combinations separated by whitespace.
# The list should include at least the membership coordinator's address.

Start EFM services  Once we are done with streaming replication and defining configuration at EFM level, we are good to start the EFM services across all EFM cluster nodes preferably starting with a primary database instance.

[root@lab1 ~]# systemctl start edb-efm-4.4.service && systemctl enable edb-efm-4.4.service


Verify EFM cluster status

[root@lab1 ~]# efm cluster-status efm
Cluster Status: efm

	Agent Type  Address              DB       VIP
	Primary       UP*
	Standby       UP
	Witness       N/A

Allowed node host list:

Membership coordinator:

Standby priority host list:

Promote Status:

DB Type     Address            WAL Received LSN   WAL Replayed LSN   Info
	Primary                          0/ED0001B8         
	Standby       0/ED0001B8         0/ED0001B8         
	Standby database(s) in sync with primary. It is safe to promote.


Performing Switchover

There is no manual intervention required while performing switchover, role reversal between primary and latest standby will take place and remaining standbys will be automatically configured to point to the primary server.

[root@lab1 ~]# efm promote efm -switchover
[root@lab1 ~]# efm cluster-status efm
Cluster Status: efm

	Agent Type  Address              DB       VIP
	Standby       UP
	Primary       UP*
	Witness       N/A

Allowed node host list:

Membership coordinator:

Standby priority host list:

Promote Status:

DB Type     Address              WAL Received LSN   WAL Replayed LSN Info
	Primary                          0/EC000D00         
	Standby       0/EC000D00         0/EC000D00         
	Standby database(s) in sync with primary. It is safe to promote.


Failover scenarios

EFM will perform the failover and promote the latest standby database if the primary database is not available for any reason like server crash, network break, etc.  In such a case, old primary needs to be restored back in the EFM cluster manually either using pg_rewind or pg_basebackup utilities.

Add Node to the EFM cluster: To add a new node to the cluster, execute below commands from any of the existing node.

[root@lab1 ~]# efm allow-node efm <ip addr of new machine>

Resume monitoring previously stopped database:

[root@lab1 ~]# efm resume efm


Steps to start/stop EFM cluster

In case we are required to stop EFM services across all nodes for maintenance purposes, it is suggested to use stop-cluster command which would stop EFM services on all nodes.

[root@lab1 ~]# efm stop-cluster efm

Alternatively to start/stop PostgreSQL/EFM services, there is need to follow the below steps in sequential order.

Steps to stop PostgreSQL & EFM services

  •  On Standby Node
    • Stop EFM Services
    • Stop PostgreSQL Service
  • On Primary Node
    • Stop EFM Services
    • Stop PostgreSQL Service

Steps to start PostgreSQL & EFM services

  • On Primary Node
    • Start EFM Services
    • Start PostgreSQL Service
  • On Standby Node
    • Start EFM Services
    • Start PostgreSQL Service

EDB shared supported scenarios for failover by EFM on our site.

It is recommended to test the failover scenarios in a dev environment prior to Go-Live.  

This document is a general guideline and there might be changes required in steps based on the deployment environment.


Achieve consistent high availability with EFM

You deserve a database that’s Always On. Thanks to EFM, you can achieve that. Keep your applications running, your teams productive and your customers happy with high availability everyone can trust.

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