Replacing Oracle with Postgres: How To Successfully Migrate Your Legacy Databases

While replacing Oracle with Postgres can yield cost reductions of upward of 80%, agility, innovation, microservices, and the move to the cloud have recently emerged as the dominant drivers. Oracle is the #1 legacy database, and its extremely onerous license policies are driving the majority of migration demand. This white paper focuses on the most popular source and target for database migrations: moving from Oracle to Postgres.

EDB RDBA Security

This white paper provides an overview of the EDB Remote Database Administration (RDBA) security stance and the approach toward our customers.

Slash Your Database Costs And Boost IT Efficiency With EDB Postgres

This Whitepaper shares our expert tips for TCO reduction to help achieve your business goals. We know that rising IT costs are on the list of many organizations’ most pressing challenges across numerous industries. For these organizations, managing total cost of ownership (TCO) is still a priority as they seek ways to make improvements to their IT infrastructure and increase return on investment (ROI). With EDB Postgres, you can spend less time worrying about your IT budget and more time delivering results.

Security Best Practices for PostgreSQL

This white paper presents a framework and a series of recommendations to secure and protect a PostgreSQL database. We discuss a layered security model that addresses physical security, network security, host access control, database access management, and data security.